A Bite to Remember Page 0,92

face with an upward blast of air from her lips. And she knew it was true, but dear God she'd been all set to climb Vincent like a dog in heat when her fangs had made their appearance and ruined everything. She'd completely forgotten their audience. And now she found herself embarrassed by her own behavior.

Leaning against the desk, Jackie peered with disinterest at the papers and messages on the wide surface and wondered if Marguerite had mentioned her theory of their being life mates to Vincent. And if so, what did he think of that, she wondered.

The sound of the office door opening interrupted her thoughts and Jackie turned to find Vincent standing in the doorway, a bag of blood in hand.

Chapter Fifteen

"I thought you might be hungry," Vincent said as he closed the door.

"I am," Jackie admitted. The boys had said she needed to be able to control her teeth while hungry, that it was the true test of her control and so she hadn't fed all evening. She was now famished, though she'd been so distracted, Jackie hadn't realized it until she turned and saw the bag of blood in Vincent's hand.

"Are you hungry enough that just the sight of it will bring on your teeth? Or do you need some help?" he asked, stopping before her.

Jackie ran her tongue over her teeth. Her fangs had receded during her embarrassment after the kiss, and梔espite her hunger梔idn't appear to be thrusting themselves out now at the sight of blood. She blushed as she realized she'd need help.

"I'm sorry," she began with embarrassment. "But I think I need help."

A slow smile curved Vincent's lips as he set the bag of blood on the desk, then he slid his arms around her. "Trust me, there is nothing to apologize for. Surely, you can tell that I'm quite happy to help with this?"

Jackie blinked as he pressed his lower body against her and she felt the proof of his being happy to help. She obviously wasn't the only one affected by their kisses. However, while her teeth had slid away in the embarrassment that had followed, it seemed his erection hadn't. That knowledge made excitement pool between her legs and she felt the pressure and shifting along her upper jaw. Without even thinking about it, Jackie used the skill she'd just mastered and forced the teeth back. It was a subconscious action, but one her body wholly approved of if it meant she would enjoy more of his kisses.

"More than happy to help," Vincent said softly as his mouth lowered to hers.

There were no tentative kisses to eyes and nose this time, no slow workup to a proper kiss. Vincent claimed her like a victor claiming spoils, his kiss aggressive and hungry. Jackie moaned and found herself arching against him, her arms around his shoulders and hands burying themselves in his hair as she opened to him and did a little demanding of her own.

Until meeting Vincent, no one had been able to compete with Cassius when it came to exciting her. While she knew it had all been mind control and that he'd placed that excitement inside her, still it had felt like true passion and Jackie had decided long ago that real passion would never be able to compete. Yet, Vincent could, and did, and won hands down and she knew he wasn't placing those thoughts or feelings in her head. Her body simply went up in flames at his touch, sending warm juices to her nether regions as if to try to douse the fire, but that simply made it worse.

Jackie was pressing against him, trying to get as close as she could. Every inch of her body ached to feel his against it, but their clothes were in the way. Fortunately, Vincent appeared to feel the same way, for he began to tug at her clothes. Jackie murmured encouragement against his mouth and trembled in his arms as he pushed her t-shirt upward. His fingers spread over the flesh of her stomach, then curved over her breasts through the silk of her bra. It wasn't enough though and she briefly broke their kiss to help him remove the t-shirt altogether.

The moment it was off and flying into a corner of the office, Vincent covered her mouth with his again as he began to work on her bra. Much to her relief, it was gone in seconds. Jackie shuddered and gasped as his warm palms closed over

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