Binding Ties The Sentinel Wars - Shannon K. Butcher Page 0,86

these tracks and see where they lead.”

“Just like that? No discussing what just happened to me?”

“You shifted into a tiger. I didn’t expect it, but I’ve adjusted.”

“How is that even possible? I haven’t had time to adjust, and I’m a Slayer. Nearly everyone I grew up with would die to be able to do what I just did.” For generations, Slayers had bred with humans, diluting their bloodlines until their powers faded and only a very few could even display animal traits. About a hundred years ago, the Slayer council decided to create breeding laws that were designed to strengthen the best genetic traits. Lyka’s mother was one of the strongest Slayers born in generations. So was the man she’d married. Both of Lyka’s brothers had shifted into their animal forms, though neither could control it.

She knew now exactly what that was like.

“I think we’ve found another of your gifts, kitten.”

“What’s that?”

“You used my power to amplify your Slayer abilities, not diminish them. That’s got to make you feel better about that pesky Theronai blood in your veins.”

She hadn’t thought about it that way, and, truth be told, she was getting used to the idea of being able to sling magic around. If she was even half as good as some of the women in the stories she’d heard, walking around attached to a magical battery wasn’t going to be all that bad.

Especially one built like Joseph, with the skills to make her purr.

“As much as I like where your train of thought is headed,” he said, “I think we need to get moving. We’ll go back to the truck and grab a change of clothes for you so you don’t freeze.”

“I’ll be fine as long as I keep moving. Let’s just go while the trail is hot.” She buttoned up his shirt, which protected her all the way down to her knees. He’d found her shoes a few yards back in the woods, but they were shredded almost beyond use.

“You’re going to be a bit high maintenance in the clothing department, aren’t you?” he asked.

“For all I know, shifting was a onetime anomaly. I may never be able to do it again.”

“Don’t you want to?”

“It’s not that. I’ve spent my whole life wondering if my father’s genetics had ruined me as a Slayer. Now that I know that isn’t the case, it makes me wonder if my mother’s genetics ruined me as a Theronai. What if I can never wield your power the way another woman might have been able to do? I’ve bound us together, so you’re stuck with me. That kind of sucks for you.”

He grabbed her arms and pulled her close so she had no choice but to look at him. “Listen carefully. Despite your motives at the time, what you did when you bound us together was save my life. You took away my pain. You got me out of that damn office, so I can remember what it’s like to be a warrior again. Whatever else you are, however you may compare to other female Theronai, I will always be grateful to you for what you’ve done.”

She’d always thought of the Theronai as the enemy. Power-hungry, egotistical jerks who thought they were mankind’s salvation. She’d never considered that they would hurt or dream of a different life. And she sure as hell hadn’t thought that one of them would lay so much gratitude at her feet, as if her mere existence were the best thing to ever happen to him.

Her throat tightened with emotions she dared not name. Her eyes burned as she fought against tears. She couldn’t speak. All she could do was nod and pull away before she humiliated herself.

Joseph let her go. Maybe he could tell she was on the verge of tears and decided to take pity on her. Whatever the case, she was able to pull herself together once she wasn’t looking into his eyes.

“The trail leads this way,” she said, stating the obvious.

Light trickled through the trees. Another day was passing, and her loved ones were still in harm’s way. Nightfall would be here soon, and with it, another night of terror for the young.

That was what was important. Not her recent ability to shift. Not her feelings for Joseph or vice versa. Everything else going on in her head was just going to have to sit back and wait for its turn.

His warm hand settled on her shoulder. “We’ll find them.”

She closed her eyes and nodded. “Soon, Copyright 2016 - 2024