The Billionaire's Troublesome Triplets - Holly Rayner Page 0,61


She had only seen Lucas’s parents a few times since the triplets’ birth, and it made her happy to see that they had made the effort to be here on such an important day. Even though Lucas’s relationship with his parents—especially his father—was still strained, Elise took this as a sign that they would be making more of an effort as their grandchildren grew up.

On her own side of the aisle were a few friends from college and a couple of people she had stayed in touch with from her old job. Elise had also invited some of the people she had gotten to know through her new career as a blogger. The blogging community had introduced her to a lot of interesting people, and she’d gotten close with a few of them.

She knew how lucky she was to have been able to pursue blogging as a career. If it hadn’t been for Lucas’s income, she would never have been able to pour so much time and effort into something that wasn’t guaranteed to be profitable. Fortunately, her blog—about the trials and tribulations of suddenly becoming a mom of three—was performing well. She was extremely proud of what she had achieved.

Elise and her father reached the head of the aisle. He lifted her veil, kissed her cheek, and gently placed her arm in Lucas’s. Then he stepped back and joined her mother to watch the proceedings.

Elise glanced down at the triplets as the officiant began the ceremony. As usual when looking at her children, she couldn’t keep a smile from her face.

Everything was perfect now.

When the ceremony had reached its conclusion, Lucas turned and invited all the guests to make their way to the dinner tables that had been set up on the lawn. A table with a massive wedding cake was carried out, and the caterers began to serve dinner.

“There’s so much cake!” Elise noted as she took her seat at the small sweetheart table across from Lucas. “We’re going to be eating leftovers for weeks.”

“Doesn’t sound like a problem to me,” Lucas said.

Elise laughed. “Fair enough.”

Their meals were placed before them—buttery lobster and perfectly seared filet mignon. Elise cut into her steak, took a bite, and sighed with pleasure.

“This is amazing,” she said. “It’ll be a miracle if I manage to save room for cake at all.”

“Have I mentioned that you look beautiful?” Lucas asked, reaching to take her hand.

Elise smiled. It was something he told her almost every day, but today it felt special. “I can’t believe we’re married.”

“I can’t believe it took us so long to get here,” he said.

“Does it feel different to you?” she asked him.

“Not yet,” he said. “I wonder if it will?”

“Nothing’s really changed, I guess,” she said. “We’ve been together for two years. Sharing this house. Raising our kids together. All we’ve done here is make it official.”

He grinned. “I like that it’s official, though,” he said.

“Me too.”

Lucas glanced over at the table where the four grandparents were seated. “How do you think your parents are holding up?” he asked. “I still feel kind of bad about seating them with my parents.”

“It was the right thing to do,” Elise said. “My parents wanted to meet them. They want to know who the kids’ other grandparents are.”

“Well, best of luck to them,” Lucas said. “I’d hoped that at least the kids would stay at the table with them to make it a little less unpleasant.”

Elise laughed. “You knew they wouldn’t,” she said. “When have our kids ever sat still for more than five minutes at a time?” She watched as Marco ran across the lawn, laughing, pursued by his sister.

“Fair enough,” Lucas acknowledged. “I just know that it must be really awkward for them over there.”

“Your parents aren’t so bad, Lucas,” Elise said. “I mean, I know they weren’t very loving or attentive parents to you, but they’re not terrible people to share a meal with. They’re perfectly polite. Mom and Dad will be just fine.”

Lucas opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say anything, they were interrupted by a loud crash and a cry of dismay.

Elise turned, took in the scene, and burst out laughing.

The triplets must have come too close to the cake table because it had tipped over, sending the cake spilling across the grass. A significant amount of cake had landed on Angelo’s head, and both Marco and Sofia were splattered with frosting.

For a long moment, all the wedding guests stared.

Elise was halfway out of her Copyright 2016 - 2024