The Billionaire's Troublesome Triplets - Holly Rayner Page 0,45

going to happen,” she said. “But even if it did, it most certainly would not be your fault. I’ve been watching you, Elise. Making sure you don’t miss any meals. Making sure you’re getting enough sleep and exercise. Your father did that for me when I was pregnant with you, and now we’re both doing it for you. We’re not going to let anything happen.”

Elise’s eyes filled with tears. She leaned over and embraced her mother. “Thanks, Mom.”

Marilyn chuckled and patted her on the back. “You’ve been emotional lately. Might want to ask the doctor about that.”

“You don’t think it’s normal to be emotional right now?”

“Sure it is,” her mother said. “But maybe the doctor can help you out with some relaxation techniques.”

“That would be good,” Elise admitted. She had felt as if her emotions were fluctuating a lot lately. Maybe that was part of the reason she had stormed out of her dinner with Lucas.

They went into the doctor’s office and spoke to the receptionist, who handed Elise some forms to complete. Marilyn flipped through a cooking magazine while Elise filled out her paperwork. A few minutes after she had handed it in, the doctor—a petite woman with a smart bob haircut—appeared and called her name.

“Do you want me to come in with you?” Elise’s mother asked.

Elise hesitated. Her mother hadn’t accompanied her on a doctor’s appointment since she was a child, but this seemed like the kind of event that it would be good to have someone along for. Besides, her mother had been through this before. She would be able to help Elise stay calm.

She smiled. “I’d like that, Mom. Thanks.”

“Ready to find out your due date?” the doctor asked as Elise lay back on the exam table.

Elise nodded. “It’ll be good to have a definite idea of when the baby’s coming,” she said. “I’m trying to put together a schedule of when I need to get everything done. Buying supplies, decorating the nursery, finishing up my pregnancy classes—”

“Not to mention the baby shower,” her mother said.

“Mom,” Elise said, blushing. “We’re not doing a baby shower.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Of course we are. This is something to celebrate, you know.”

“I know,” Elise agreed. “But…it’ll be awkward, won’t it? People are going to want to know who the father is, and I won’t be able to give them an answer.”

“You can give an answer.” Her mother pulled a chair up beside the exam table and took Elise’s hand as the doctor applied a cool gel to Elise’s belly. “You can tell people that the father of your child is a man you met while you were on vacation in Rome. Tell them you two had a fling while you were on holiday. That’s a lovely story, and it has the added benefit of being true.”

“You’re right.” Elise closed her eyes, feeling a sudden rush of relief. She hadn’t fully realized how much she had been dreading having to answer that question. But there was an answer she could give, and it was a nice one.

And I can tell the baby the same thing.

“Hmm,” the doctor said, her gaze fixed on the ultrasound display.

Elise’s eyes flew open. The doctor was frowning.

“What’s wrong?” Elise demanded, suddenly filled with alarm again. “Is the baby okay?”

“Relax,” the doctor said, resting a hand on Elise’s forearm. “Everything’s all right. But it looks like you’re expecting multiples here.”

“Multiples?” Elise repeated.

“Triplets,” the doctor said. “I’m picking up three heartbeats.”

Elise’s eyes widened. “Three?” she croaked.

She was torn between awe and panic. She had just begun to adjust to the idea of raising one baby by herself. That had been overwhelming in itself. But three? How could she possibly cope?

Marilyn looked at the doctor. “Could we have a moment of privacy?” she asked.

“Of course,” the doctor said. “I’ll be out in the hall, if you’d like to come and get me when you’re finished.” She picked up her chart and retreated.

Elise waited until the door had closed behind her, then turned to her mother. “Mom, what am I going to do? Three of them!”

“It’s all right,” her mother said, squeezing her hand firmly. “You can handle this, Elise. Your father and I will help you.”

“I don’t…” She looked around helplessly. “I don’t have enough hands for three babies, Mom! What if they all need me at once? I won’t be able to comfort them. I won’t be able to feed them.”

“There are three of us,” her mother said. “We’ll work together until you’ve adjusted to having them. You’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024