A Billionaire's Redemption - By Cindy Dees Page 0,92

they approached it from behind. As they drifted farther left, Gabe jolted. A white van was parked between the first and second hangars.

A female cry made Gabe jump straight up in the air. He took a quick step forward, but a powerful arm grabbed him around the chest from behind as he would have bolted.

“Don’t panic,” McGrath ground out in his ear. “She’s alive. If he hasn’t already shot her, the bastard’s planning to play with her for a while.”

Gabe cursed violently under his breath. “Don’t expect me to stand here and let her be tortured while I listen on. Ain’t happening, buddy.”

McGrath stared at him grimly, then whispered in resignation, “Fine. I’ll check out the building on the right. You take a look in through the windows at the left one. If you see Willa or her captor, don’t go in. Come get me. Got it?”

Gabe nodded impatiently as Willa cried out again. McGrath took off in a low, crouching jog, and he did the same. The weight of the shotgun in his hands felt impatient. Demanded justice. He seriously wanted to shoot the bastard who was making Willa cry out like that.

He plastered himself against the side of the building next to one of the dusty windows. Cautiously, he eased forward toward the lower corner of the window until he could peek inside the structure. His blood ran cold. Willa was tied to a chair, and a tall silhouette stood directly behind her, a weapon held to the side of her head.

A sinister voice floated out to him immediately. “There you are, Gabe Dawson. I knew you’d come for your little whore. Why don’t you join us?”

Crap, crap, crap. McGrath was nowhere in sight. He yelled out loudly and prayed the security man heard him, “Okay. I’m coming in.”

He ran around to the door in the front of the building. It was sandwiched between two large garage-style doors. It squeaked as he opened it. No chance of sneaking up on the bastard, then.

He paused inside the dim interior while his eyes adjusted to the shadows.

“Gabe?” Willa asked wonderingly. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you going to marry Melinda?”

“What?” he asked incredulously. “I love you. I’d never marry her!”

“But I heard her accept your proposal—”

“Shut up.” The man behind Willa struck her in the temple with the weapon in his hand. Her head snapped sideways and she groaned, sagging in her ropes.

Gabe lurched forward involuntarily.

“Now, now. Gabey-poo. Come any closer and I’ll shoot her. And then I’ll just have to play with you, instead.”

He thought he recognized that voice. “James? James Ward?”

“Come closer. Slowly. Drop the shotgun. Hands on top of your head.”

Gabe did as ordered. He was alarmed to see a trickle of blood running down the side of Willa’s face. Her eyes were closed and she looked out cold. And Ward, he looked possessed. Crazy didn’t begin to cover the madness in his eyes. It distorted his whole face. It was as if the man had been consumed by a monster. He looked straight out of a bad horror movie. Except that was real blood and a real gun and Willa tied to that chair.

He walked forward, his eyes glued to Willa’s captor. As much as he’d like to check Willa for breathing or movement, he dared not look away from Ward. At least the gun had turned away from her and was now pointed at him.

“So glad you came, Dawson. Now I can really make the bitch suffer. I’m so damned sick of listening to her talk to you like you’re here. Going on about how she loves you and is so grateful you showed her a glimpse of love and made her life complete before she died. Makes a guy want to puke.”

Gabe stared, stunned. Willa loved him? He made her life complete? He jerked his attention back to Ward. How to draw the guy away from Willa? McGrath had to be outside by now, assault rifle trained on Ward. Why hadn’t he taken the shot? The only reasonable explanation was that his shot was blocked by Willa.

“That’s close enough. Stop,” Ward snapped.

Gabe did as ordered, his mind racing. He had to distract Ward. Get him to move far enough away from Willa to give McGrath a clear shot.

“Can’t you ever pick on someone your own size, Jimmy? You always did have a thing for picking on the kids littler than you.”

Ward made a growling sound. His free hand drifted to the side of

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