A Billionaire's Redemption - By Cindy Dees Page 0,69

was that she was eager and willing to have him, too.

He so shouldn’t have taken her. She was twelve years younger than he, the daughter of his archenemy, and everyone was already giving her hell for spending time with him. If word got out that the two of them were having a torrid affair, Willa’s friends and neighbors would crucify her outright. He couldn’t take them all away from her. She’d lived in Vengeance her entire life. Everyone she knew and loved was there. The good people of Vengeance would shun her completely if she got involved with him. For her happiness, he owed it to her to suck up his own desires and stay the hell away from her.

If only she hadn’t led such a sheltered life in such a small town. If she had known anyone outside of Vengeance, had any friends who didn’t come from the town’s inner circle of moneyed elite, if she’d had ties to anything at all outside of Vengeance, he could have thrown caution to the wind and continued his relationship with her.

He passed a hand across his face, tired beyond belief. He hadn’t slept a wink last night and he’d been going hard all day at the office. He felt every one of his forty years keenly tonight. Yet another reason to set Willa free. She was still in her twenties. Plenty young enough to find herself a great guy, settle down and have some kids. The family and normalcy she craved.

Funny how his wealth and extravagant lifestyle were the exact opposite of what she wanted. He’d always assumed that if he got rich enough, he could have any woman he desired. Who’d have guessed it would drive away the one woman he really did want? Another day, the irony might have amused him darkly, but tonight it just pissed him off.

His cell phone rang, and he didn’t recognize the number on his vehicle display. Why would some security company call him at this hour? It was too late for solicitors to be bothering him. Annoyed, he answered the call.

“Dawson, here.”

“Sorry to bother you, sir. I’m calling from Elite Security Services. We’re currently working for Senator Merris, and we’ve got a little problem. We were hoping you could help us.”

At the mention of Willa’s name, Gabe’s blood ran cold. “What’s wrong?” he snapped. His foot levered downward on the accelerator and the Cadillac leaped forward. Toward Willa.

“We’ve lost the senator.”

“Lost her? How the hell did that happen?”

“There was some sort of altercation between the senator and her mother. Senator Merris left her mother’s home rather abruptly and my men were unable to follow her. Their cars were blocked in. By the time they got out, she was gone.”

A hum of alarm set up shop low in his gut. Something was wrong. Very wrong. “How long ago did she leave the Merris mansion? You’ve checked her place?”

“She disappeared approximately two hours ago. Her house was the first place we checked. I’ve got a team waiting there now in case she shows up. We were hoping she might be with you.”

“I’ve been in business meetings all day. Let me check my condo. I’ll call you back in a minute.”

Gabe quickly dialed the phone number to his downtown pad and waited impatiently through the recorded message. “Computer, this is Gabe.”

“Good evening, Mr. Dawson. What can I do for you?”

“Is there anyone in my apartment?”

“No, sir. Your residence is currently unoccupied.”

“What time did Willa leave this morning?”

“She left at 9:31 a.m., sir. She exited the elevator at the lobby level of the building.”

Dammit. “Thank you, computer. Text my cell phone if anyone arrives at my apartment.”

“Of course, sir. Shall I prepare a hot bath for you?”

“No.” Gabe wasted no time on niceties with the machine and hung up on it. He dialed back the security firm. “She’s not at my place in Dallas,” he announced. “Have you checked my house in Vengeance?”

“Second place we checked, sir.”

He didn’t know whether to be relieved that Willa’s security team knew her behavior so well, or chagrined that the two of them hadn’t done a better job of hiding their liaison. Gabe frowned. That hum in his gut was turning into a full-blown chorus of wrongness. “Can’t you guys track her cell phone or something?”

“Only law-enforcement authorities can legally access cell-phone signals.”

“Then do it illegally!” he exclaimed. “I’ll take responsibility for it if you get caught.”

“With all due respect, sir, we wouldn’t get caught. My men are very good.”

“Then do

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