A Billionaire's Redemption - By Cindy Dees Page 0,60

no comment on it. The SUV exited Hwy 35E and turned around. In a few minutes, the skyline of Dallas loomed in the distance like a beacon beckoning her home.

Showing up at Gabe’s place unannounced could turn out disastrously. For all she knew, he might want nothing to do with her. She wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t. The anger in his voice message last night still rang in her ears.

But then, why would he punch James Ward tonight for calling her a liar? Did he or didn’t he like her? She hated the confusion roiling in her gut. If nothing else, seeing Gabe tonight should clear that up one way or the other. She hoped.

The SUV pulled up in front of the posh apartment building, and a sudden attack of nerves turned her gut to jelly. Sheesh. She wasn’t some thirteen-year-old knocking on a boy’s door for the first time. Although in point of fact, this was the first time she’d ever knocked on any male’s front door. They had always come to her house to pick her up. She had definitely lived too sheltered a life, and it was high time to rectify that.

She pushed the button beside Gabe’s nameplate in the lobby. Please be home. Please be home.

Without warning, a deep voice came out of the intercom. “Willa? What the hell are you doing here?”

“How did you know it was me?” she blurted, startled.

“Lobby cam.”

Of course. This was his techno-toy place. “Can I come up? We need to talk.”

“Do we?” he asked cryptically.

Was he going to make her beg? She supposed he had the right after she’d been such a jerk yesterday. But to have to apologize over the intercom, in front of her bodyguard...

A buzzer startled her. “Enter the number 4-9-2-7-5 on the key pad in the elevator and it’ll give you access to the penthouse,” Gabe directed.

“Up in a sec,” she replied gratefully.

She turned to the bodyguard. “Would you freak out if I asked you to stay down here?”

“No, ma’am. I’m familiar with this building and its security system. You’ll be safe. We’ll wait in the car until you’re ready to leave. If you decide to stay the night, text me and we’ll take off. Just let us know what time you want a pickup tomorrow.”

Thankfully, the arrival of the elevator saved her from having to answer that. Her face must be scarlet if the heat in her cheeks was any indication. The bodyguard stepped inside, looked around the conveyance briefly, and held the door impassively for her as she stepped inside and keyed in the code.

“Good night, ma’am,” he said emotionlessly.

The guy said that like he expected her to spend the night. She did have to admit, the idea of making love with Gabe again made her breath come short and her heart pound disconcertingly.

The elevator ride was far too short as she tried to regain her composure and give herself a pep talk. No matter how many times she told herself this would be okay, she didn’t believe it as she knocked timidly on Gabe’s completely intimidating, stainless-steel front door.

Without warning, the door swung open beneath her knuckles, and Gabe loomed in front of her, scowling darkly. He gestured silently with the whiskey bottle in his left hand for her to enter the lion’s den. She took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Chapter 13

Gabe didn’t know whether to be relieved or infuriated that Willa had shown up on his doorstep like this. He’d planned to spend the evening tying on a good, old-fashioned drunk. To hell with everyone who said a guy shouldn’t drink alone. Besides, he had plenty of ghosts to keep him company. The ghost of John Merris, the father he’d never had and whose standards he’d never quite managed to live up to. The ghost of Melinda, another person he’d never been quite good enough for.

What the hell did a man have to do to win their approval? He’d made a billion bucks with the sweat of his own brow, for God’s sake. Wasn’t that good enough for them? What the hell was the use of having all that money if it didn’t impress anyone? Maybe he should give it all away. Maybe that would impress them.

He snorted as he eyed Willa’s sexy little tush sashaying toward his living room ahead of him. John would call him a damned fool if he gave away his billions. Melinda might be momentarily impressed, but he knew all too well she

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