The Billionaire's Pretend Girlf - Leslie North Page 0,7

had fought tooth and nail to be accepted by his father as a capable businessman, but even still, there were frequent lapses when his father treated him like he was a twelve-year-old playing soccer in the backyard.

“Hey, Mr. Trent,” Blake said, sounding overly friendly.

“Good to see you,” Grayson chimed in.

“Hi, Dad,” Daniel said, shifting in his seat. They’d missed each other at the office since he’d gotten back from Seoul, so he was sure this was more of a business drop-in than a friendly visit.

“Hatching up another plot for world domination?” His dad squeezed Daniel’s shoulder, a satisfied smirk on his face.

“You know it,” Grayson chimed in. “Actually, I was just about to propose an interesting offer to your son.”

Daniel narrowed his eyes at his friend. “Oh, really?”

“With my wedding next week, I don’t want your son to show up alone to the biggest day of my life,” Grayson said, the start of a shit-eating grin on his face as he looked up at Mr. Trent. “I think he should try to make something work with his latest girlfriend for once.”

“She’s not a—” Daniel said.

“You’re seeing someone?” his dad demanded.

“He is, but I’m not sure it’ll last without a little incentive. Therefore, I wager that Daniel can’t keep that girlfriend for the entire length of my wedding festivities,” Grayson finished proudly, looking at each of them in turn. “Let’s bet on it.”

Daniel’s knee began bouncing. It would have been embarrassing enough to explain to his friends about the house-sitting mix-up, but now that his dad had been brought into the misunderstanding, untangling it would be ten times worse. His father always seemed to take his lack of serious romantic relationships as a sign of Daniel’s immaturity rather than an indicator that he had no damn time for a girlfriend, given the pace at which he worked.

“You boys and your bets,” his dad chuckled before jerking his head to the side. “Daniel, will you join me for a minute? I wanted to go over something about the Korea contract.”

“Sure, Dad.” Daniel cleared his throat, sending an apologetic look to his two friends over business intruding on their lunch—yet again. Grayson and Blake, used to Daniel’s father, just nodded sympathetically as he stood and left the table. His father led him over to an ornate gazebo on the far side of the patio.

Overlooking the sprawling, immaculately tended green lawns, his father said, “Now tell me why you’re back here in California. Since you finished up in Seoul early, you could get a head start on the Bangladesh project. There’s no need for you to be in California—and why do you have next week marked off for no work at all?”

“It’s Grayson’s wedding next week.”

Confusion creased his dad’s sun-weathered face. If the man wasn’t in a boardroom, he was on the golf course, schmoozing with business contacts. “And you’ll be gone for a week?”

Of course his work-hungry dad wouldn’t understand. In their family, things were only considered of value if they padded your bank account or padded your social status. Supporting a friend during an important life event didn’t count. “I might be closing a deal there,” Daniel lied. It was the only way his father wouldn’t give him endless shit about being there for his best friend during the biggest time of his life. Until the baby came, of course.

Still, his father frowned, looking out over the golf course as he jingled the keys in his pockets. “And you’re doing him such a favor by jumping when he says jump. But what is this about a girlfriend? Is she another fling? That seems like something they would love to bet on. Were you even planning on bringing this girl with you to the wedding?”

“No, I wasn’t,” Daniel admitted, a headache building around his temples. “Because we’re not—”

“So it is another dalliance,” his father cut in with a disappointed frown as if Daniel had, once again, failed to live up to expectations. “You won’t be young forever, you know. When are you going to settle down, take your responsibilities seriously?”

His father thought he wasn’t serious enough? Despite all the hours he put in, all the business deals he closed? All the work, all the dedication, all the effort he put into chasing the gold ring of his father’s approval, and still he had to deal with this bullshit?

“You know I’ve never approved of your silly bets,” his father continued. “But this bet…I want you to win it. Show your little nouveau riche friend Copyright 2016 - 2024