The Billionaire's Pretend Girlf - Leslie North Page 0,39

then again, so was colonizing Mars. There was too much involved with the prospect, and more than that, he had no idea where to start.

Which meant that he was better off just staying put.

Jackie’s cheeks hurt from all the fake smiling she’d been doing that day.

And it wasn’t even eleven o’clock. This ladies-only breakfast was dragging, despite how laid-back and delicious it was. With a belly full of omelet and two mimosas down, she was buzzed and sullen when she should be buzzed and bubbly.

She furtively checked her phone, already wishing for the soft comfort of that king-size bed in the plum orchard. Which felt like further proof that she’d already been ruined by her little taste of luxury. Dipping her toe into the waters of Daniel’s life had now made her accustomed to king-size beds with down comforters and pillow-top mattresses. How was she supposed to return to her drifting, homeless lifestyle now? She’d never be able to acclimate to Geri’s bumpy fold-out couch again.

Inevitably the house-sitting gig at Daniel’s would expire, and she’d move onto her next assignment, with far less comfortable surroundings.

If only that were the main thing plaguing her about the future.

Really, she was still completely unable to accept the fact that as of tomorrow, her and Daniel’s bet would be over, and they’d be back to their true stations in life: wealthy businessman and lowly house sitter. Her early bedtime and full night of sleep had done nothing to help her overcome her doubts and insecurities. If anything, they’d only festered overnight—turning into something unwieldy and ugly.

As plates were cleared from their long table of smiling and beautiful faces, Mila’s mother turned her attention toward Jackie.

“So, Jackie. Will you and Daniel be the next ones to have us out here for a fantastic wedding weekend?”

Mila laughed, rubbing her stomach over the white cotton sundress she had on. “Mom. They can pick a different venue. It doesn’t have to be here.”

Jackie forced a laugh of her own, toying with the wisps of hair at her neckline. “Oh, who knows. Daniel and I haven’t even talked about any of that yet. Knowing us, we’ll probably just date for the rest of our lives.”

Mila’s mother’s smile fell slightly. “Oh, come on. That man would throw you a proper wedding. One that all your friends and family could come to.”

Jackie’s gut cinched. No, her family wouldn’t be attending. Not like Mila’s mother knew that, of course. But still, the comment sliced at her in the way that all reminders of her sad, lonely upbringing did. Pushing her back into that dark space she struggled to climb out of daily.

This had happened countless times in her life. People were always well-meaning—nobody ever truly meant their off-handed comments about family to be so depressing to her. Luckily, after her twenty-five years navigating this situation, she knew just how to brush this kind of blow off and keep moving. To hide the pain and swallow the ache.

“Mom—” Mila began.

“What?” Mila’s mom returned. “They are gorgeous together. I just want to know when I’ll be getting the invite to their wedding.”

The table tittered with laughter, and Jackie tried to join in. To play the coy, demure girlfriend part. To conjure all the energy associated with oh, it’s just a matter of time.

But she couldn’t. It was too hard. It was too sad. So she did the only thing she could do. She deflected to talking about somebody else’s happiness. Since her own was never a sure bet.

“I just want to celebrate Mila and Grayson today,” Jackie said, sending her best sweet smile toward Mila. “And their little nugget, of course.”

Murmurs of approval rippled through the table, and soon everyone had their glasses lifted in cheers. She felt like she’d managed to avoid the heat—she just hoped that others didn’t try to pry throughout the day. She wasn’t sure how many more times she could hold it together like that with so many pairs of curious eyes on her. She was barely holding it together now.

Because god, she wanted what Mila’s mom talked about. She wanted the grand proposal, the gorgeous wedding venue, the hullabaloo and the excitement. More than that, she wanted the stability. The assurance that someone was there to scoop her up if she fell. Someone to lean on, someone that she could always turn to.

But she’d never have it. Not just because she’d fallen for a man who didn’t slow down for anybody, but because she had no family to Copyright 2016 - 2024