The Billionaire's Pretend Girlf - Leslie North Page 0,33

rare occasion that he came home.”

Jackie swallowed, hiding her unease behind a nervous laugh.

“Daniel’s a great guy. I hope you don’t think I’m being mean or unfair to him. But also, we women need to look out for each other, don’t we? I just don’t want you to be as hurt as I was. Daniel always has one foot out the door. Business is all that matters to him—romance will never come in higher than a distant second place.”

The more that Tania spoke, the more that Jackie felt like she could sink back and melt into the ground. “What do you mean?”

“I mean that whatever deal he’s managing at the time—whether it’s in Dubai or Barcelona or whatever exotic place he’s visiting—it’s always going to be more important than whoever’s waiting at home for him. I learned that the hard way. And maybe that’s not the case for you two, but if it is?” Tania sent her a deeply sympathetic look. “Save yourself the heartache.”

Jackie’s head was spinning as she stared at Tania, unable to decide what the best response might be. Deep in her heart, Jackie could tell that the woman was sincerely concerned, and she appreciated what Tania was trying to do. But also, part of her wanted to rail against Tania’s warning. To refute it, reject it, completely deny it.

But this was someone who had known Daniel for years, who knew the way he operated. The truth was, she didn’t truly have anything with Daniel other than two weeks, one of which was spent living in his guest room as his displaced house sitter.

Tania was probably right.

This was a warning that Jackie should consider a blessing, if she was smart.


“Oh, look.” Jackie’s voice sounded watery to her own ears. She pasted on a smile as she spotted Daniel and Blake coming into the restaurant. Despite the heavy warning from Tania, she was still relieved to see him. For now, at least. “There he is.”

Tania twisted around, some of the tension in her face disappearing. Jackie took a step away from Tania, drawing a deep breath to try to clear the air and clear her head before Daniel arrived. So that he wouldn’t show up and immediately know that she and Tania had been talking about him, or their dating history. And definitely so he wouldn’t know that it had almost brought her to the point of tears.

“Hey, Tania.” Daniel offered an easygoing smile as he walked up to them. He immediately slid his arm around Jackie’s waist, bringing her against him like it was the most natural thing in the world. Which normally, would have been a relief. But right now, it just felt awkward and forced.

“Good to see you, Daniel. Glad to know you three are still as tight as ever.”

“Some things never change.”

Jackie stiffened beneath his grip at those words. God, Daniel was confirming everything that Tania had said about him, without even realizing. She kept up the smiles and laughs as Tania and Daniel chatted, and when Tania finally wandered away to go say hi to Blake, Jackie felt so exhausted that she could crumble.

“How have things been?” Daniel asked, squeezing the top of her hip. He must have noticed her face, or her thinly veiled internal terror, because he followed it up with, “Did Tania say something to you?”

“Why would you ask that?”

“Because you’re acting a little weird.”

Was she? She couldn’t even tell anymore, since Tania had detonated the atom bomb right in the center of Jackie’s excitement and forward-thinking plans with Daniel.

“We chatted. Nothing unusual.”

Daniel didn’t look convinced. “Are you sure?”

Jackie gnawed at the inside of her lip, wondering how much she should admit. “She mentioned you guys used to date.”

Daniel nodded, looking across the room. “Yeah, I figured. She always had a thing for me in grad school, and we finally gave it a try a few years ago. But it didn’t work out.”

Of course it didn’t work out. Because it won’t ever work out with anyone. Least of all me. She scanned the room, trying to find the best diversion tactic. She spotted the bar across the room. “You want me to get us drinks?”

“Let’s go together.”

“No, let me grab them. That way you can mingle, you know? Chat with your friends. Your exes. Whoever.”

Daniel narrowed his eyes. “Jackie. What else did she say to you?”

“Nothing! I swear it was nothing. It was just…weird.”

Daniel hefted. “Yeah. I bet. But if she made it out to be some grand romance, then Copyright 2016 - 2024