The Billionaire's Pretend Girlf - Leslie North Page 0,23

right here.”

“What were you thinking about?”

“Nothing important.” Even though it felt like some of the most important stuff of his life. Because it had to do with the rest of his life. What his future might look like now that he was considering letting in…someone. Letting ‘something more’ flourish.

“You’re not a very good liar,” she whispered, squeezing his knee.

A laugh burst out of him. “You’re too good at noticing things.”

“Promise me you’ll tell me later?”

He nodded, and without thinking, without even deciding, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. Her eyes fluttered shut, and when they broke apart, she looked more than pleased.

“It’s hard to resist you, even when you potentially ruin my lipstick.”

He laughed. “You’re safe. For now. Though I can’t promise I won’t ruin it later.”

Something flashed in her eyes, causing his words to ring in his ears. Were they acting? Was she? He certainly wasn’t. And every inch of him was dying to resume the ‘practice’ they’d started last night.

The server came then and took their dinner orders. Lighthearted conversation flowed, alongside wine and bread baskets. Jackie was such a natural with his friends. By day two, she already seemed as if she’d known these people forever. She was a social butterfly, easily getting others to open up and share—but he’d noticed she played her own cards very close to the chest. It just made him more curious to know everything about her.

Once dinner was wrapped up and dessert orders were placed, Jackie looked over at him, bright-eyed and happy.

“I’m gonna head to the bathroom. Then do you want to take a walk with me?”

“I’d love to.” He’d never meant the words more. A simple evening of bathing in Jackie’s presence seemed like the perfect nightcap to this day.

“Okay. Find me in that hall over there in a little bit and we can begin our nighttime tour.” She giggled before slipping away, and he watched her cute little ass as she headed for the bathrooms down a different hallway.

“I have to say, buddy,” Grayson began, addressing Daniel, “it looks like I might be losing this bet.”

“I told you,” Daniel said, lacing his fingers together over his full belly. “You shouldn’t have wagered so much.”

Grayson smirked. “What can I say? If I lose, I’ll do so gladly. She makes you happy. I can tell.”

It was true. She made him way happier than what made sense in so little time. Every analytical instinct was telling him not to get in over his head—not to get too attached. But for once, he wasn’t listening to that instinct. He was just doing what felt right.

“Consider yourself the loser then,” Daniel said, gearing up to say the words that he’d never even considered saying before. “I can’t predict where the future will take us—but I like where this has gotten us so far.”

It was true enough. Even if he had no idea how things would work beyond the wedding week.

Grayson lifted his glass to cheers, which caused a few of the others at the table to join the clinking glasses. A strange cocktail of excitement and worry brewed inside him, because for as inspiring as Jackie was, he still had no idea if she was willing to explore more with him. He wasn’t even sure if he was, either. He just knew that Jackie woke him up to wanting it.

Jackie waved at him from across the restaurant then, and he hurriedly downed his wine and stood. “Friends, I’m off. The lady is expecting me.”

As he crossed the restaurant to meet her, warmth filled him from head to toe. Her quirky grin as she waited for him, the excitement trembling in the air between them, it was enough to make him dizzy with bliss. And why? They were just going on a walk. A simple walk. Maybe he’d had more wine than he realized.

As soon as they set off down the hallway, a swinging door burst open. A kitchen employee raced out, clearly crying into her hands.

Daniel edged to the side of the hallway, intent on ignoring and passing by. But Jackie stopped.

“Hey, is everything okay?” Jackie asked softly, coming up to the employee.

“Oh. Oh, my God.” The employee swiped at her eyes. “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t be seeing this. I-I thought the hallway was empty, and—”

“No. You’re fine. We were just passing through. Do you need anything?” Jackie held the woman by the sides of her arms, speaking in a low, soothing tone. Daniel watched with interest as the employee Copyright 2016 - 2024