The Billionaire's Pretend Girlf - Leslie North Page 0,21

critter had even sunk his teeth into Daniel’s forearm on one occasion, and Daniel had cooed like it was the sweetest thing on earth.

Daniel was so smitten with the puppy playland that he hadn’t even noticed when Jackie had gone to the coffee side for a quick caffeine break. His coffee still sat untouched on a tall table along the wall from over a half hour ago.

“Come here,” Daniel said, waving her over. “Look. He already knows his name. Scoooooter.”

Jackie smiled as she got down on her knees beside Daniel. “Scooter? Do you know that’s your name?”

The puppy yipped enthusiastically, looking between both of them.

“See? He knows. He’s Scooter.”

“We should take him back with us,” Jackie said, nudging him. It would be her dream, as long as they could share the responsibilities of raising the sweet thing. Which, of course, would never happen. Apparently, the only place she could ever own a dog would be in her dreams.

“Oh, my God. I would adopt Scooter on the spot if I didn’t have to leave for the next two weeks after this wedding.”

His words were a cold splash of water, but she tried not to let them affect her. Luckily, Scooter turned his attention to her and started snuffling the side of her arms and legs. She giggled, falling backward as Scooter climbed into her lap, showering her with puppy kisses.

“He loves you,” Daniel said.

“I think he loves you more.”

Scooter climbed higher, which forced Jackie onto her back. She giggled as Scooter walked over her chest, licking her face nonstop.

“I don’t think I can move until Scooter decides it’s time,” she said.

Daniel rested his head on his palm as he stretched out on the floor beside her. “That’s okay. He’s calling the shots now.”

The two of them laughed as Scooter nuzzled into her neck and then began tugging at the strap of her romper. Jackie shouted out, reaching for the strap—which was only a simple knot at her collar bone—just as Daniel tried to redirect Scooter to something else.

“He’s trying to take my clothes off,” Jackie said between laughs.

“Don’t be bad, Scooter! You’re a puppy.” Daniel lifted Scooter off, setting him onto the ground. “Let men take off her clothes, not dogs.”

Jackie’s laughter petered out as his words hit her. Scooter contented himself with sniffing along the length of her legs, and she watched Daniel watching them for a moment. Wondering if he meant that was something that he might want to do. For real.

“Hopefully not just any man,” she teased.

Daniel’s blue gaze raked over her, his heartbreaker smile lingering on his lips. He reached over suddenly and plucked something from her cleavage, then tossed aside a tuft of dog hair.

“You were saving that for later, weren’t you?”

She snickered. Her skin burned from where his fingertips had grazed her. God, if only this man wanted to take off her clothes. She still wondered if last night’s touches had been the act she’d demanded, or something more. The practical side of her was afraid to hope.

Scooter bounded over then, knocking Jackie to the floor as he licked her face endlessly. Daniel eventually scooped up the little guy and cuddled him.

“Jackie, let’s take him back to the villa with us. I’ll deal with Grayson. You can handle Mila. We can make him the ring bearer.”

Jackie shook with laughter as she watched Daniel rock Scooter back and forth in his arms. This tall, broad, business tycoon was a secret softie when it came to dogs, and it was impossible not to melt all around him as he showed his true colors.

They hung out with Scooter a little more before reluctantly prying themselves away once it was time to leave. Jackie offered to get Daniel another coffee—since his first one was ice cold and untouched—before they left.

In lieu of a response, Daniel wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a bear hug. Her cheek smashed against the hard plane of his chest and all she could do was clutch onto his sturdy frame.

“Thanks, Jackie,” he murmured into the top of her head. “You’re really the best, you know that? Nobody’s ever done something like that for me.”

His words warmed her, all the way down to her deepest, most vulnerable parts—the parts she fought to keep secure and isolated. “Aw, come on. Really?”

“Really.” He placed a quick kiss on the top of her head and loosened his grip. But he didn’t push her away. So she stayed in his arms. Gazing up at him, taking him Copyright 2016 - 2024