The Billionaire's Practice Kiss - Tamie Dearen Page 0,21

own ways. That’s part of the reason I had the courage to tell you my story, knowing we’d never see each other again after this weekend. But this…” She lifted their hands between them. “This makes me wish for things that can never be.”

He didn’t resist when her hand slipped from his grasp. What could he say? She was right. He wanted to argue with her. To tell her their relationship was about more than a fake date. To convince her they were at least real friends. But what good would that do, anyway? What did he know about being a friend, hiding away in his secluded mansion? He could never be the kind of guy Ellery needed…the kind of guy she deserved. He was probably better off with Allegra.

Chapter 9

Ellery descended the stairs slowly, determined not to trip on her dress or stumble on her three-inch heels. As she entered the kitchen, she found Logan filling a glass with water from the refrigerator dispenser. He turned around, and her insides melted, right on the spot, her muscles so liquified, she couldn’t even close her jaw.

Logan West wasn’t just hot. He was smoking! From his smoldering, come-hither eyes to his broad, tux-clad shoulders, to the polished black shoes covering his feet, which were shifting about, broadcasting his nervousness. And the insecurity written on his face only made him more adorable to Ellery. Most guys like him would’ve been so arrogant, she wouldn’t have been able to stand being in the room with them. She’d seen women fan themselves in movies, but this was the first time she’d felt the need to cool herself off just from laying eyes on a handsome guy.

“You look great.” He gulped some water from the glass in his hands and promptly went into a coughing fit.

Ellery warmed at the compliment, despite doubting his sincerity. “Thanks. You look amazing!”

“Thank you. I’m glad you made me get a haircut. It helped. At least, I hope it did.” Logan set the glass down and stuffed both hands in his pants pockets, squirming like a self-conscious teenager. “I’m glad you picked that dress. The blue color makes your eyes look like sapphires.”

“Thanks.” The blood rushed to her face, which always made the scar on her cheek more apparent. But she lifted her chin, determined not to think about it. Her hands smoothed down the soft fabric draping across her curves in elegant folds. The gown’s back dipped low, exposing her unblemished skin. Ironic that the silk shawl on her shoulders, designed to hide the scars on her arms, would also cover the smooth skin on her back.

“I mean it.” Almost palpable, his gaze roamed from head to toe, leaving delightful tingles in its wake. He was making it so hard not to fall for him. Could she ask him to stop being so nice?

“I have something for you.” He walked to the island and picked up a black velvet box she hadn’t noticed when she walked into the room, probably because her eyes had been focused on Logan. He held it out toward her and flipped it open, exposing a dazzling necklace with what appeared to be hundreds of sparkling diamonds embedded in three draping strands.

“Are those real?” she croaked, taking a step back.

“Of course, they’re real.” The boyish grin she’d come to expect slid onto his face. “No one wears costume jewelry to one of Senator Edwards’ political affairs.”

“I thought it was his daughter’s wedding. Now it’s a political affair?”

“Everything is a political affair for Duane Edwards. Why do you think he invited Cole Miller?” Logan tilted the jewelry box, the jewels gleaming in the bright kitchen lights.

“That must be worth a fortune.” Ellery edged backward, poised to make an escape. “I can’t wear it.”

“You don’t like it?”

“Yes, but I might lose it.”

His shoulders lifted and dropped to express his nonchalance, though her heart was hammering. “If you don’t wear it, you’ll hurt my feelings.”

“I thought you only had one feeling.”

“I do,” he said, with an adorable crooked smile, “and it’s very fragile. On the verge of shattering.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Look, I’ll admit I’m showing off a little.”

Her compassion stirred at his downcast gaze. Of course! Logan was going to see Allegra and his old friends. The diamonds would make up for the fact that his date was flawed.


He set the box down and removed the glittering necklace. His dastardly green eyes captured her, held her mesmerized as he approached. His fingers brushed her skin as he clasped Copyright 2016 - 2024