The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,50

The kids ran around catching fireflies, and she insisted that Ben be the one to help her wrangle the little bugs into her jar. The rest of the gang watched from the sidelines while I sat on a bench, admiring the stars in between smiling at the excited shrieks Olivia let out each time they caught another one.

I was distracted by the sight of the big bright moon when the two of them came walking by. Olivia dropped something, which I felt tap against my shoe.

“Oh no! Let me grab that for you.” I leaned over, feeling around in the grass under the darkness of the bench. My fingers wrapped around what felt like a small, smooth box. “What’s this?” I asked, pulling it up.

I stared at it in my hands for a moment before looking back to them, filled with the suspicion that it wasn’t something I was supposed to hand back to Olivia at all.

Sure enough, Ben dropped down before me on one knee, just as he had done in the boardroom that day at work over a year ago. Only this time, there was a jewelry box in my hands … so I could only assume he was going to propose something much bigger than me being his girlfriend.

I started crying soft, happy tears when he pulled my hands into his. “Kate, I had everyone, including myself, fooled into thinking I wasn’t the marrying type. But that all changed the moment I met you. I may have been too stubborn to admit it in the beginning, but I have no choice but to admit it now. I know without a doubt that I want to get married … but only if it's to you. Will you be my wife?”

He opened the box, revealing the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen.

“Yes!” I nodded. “Of course, yes!”

I cried even harder as he slid it onto my finger before pulling me up to my feet, wrapping me in his arms for a sweet embrace. I kissed his lips and couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I knew I would get to kiss that man every day for the rest of my life.

Everyone had gathered around to watch the big moment and they all started clapping for us. Even little Olivia danced and clapped around us.

“You see, kiddo,” Ben smiled down at her. “You ended up being the perfect bait after all.”

“Yeah, she just baited in something much bigger than you ever intended to catch,” Joey laughed, rushing over to swoop her up into his arms. He threw her over his shoulder and spun her around in circles while she laughed and screamed.

I kissed Ben again and felt happier than I ever had in my life. “Well, now we have the house. And we’re engaged.”

“There’s only one thing that’s missing,” he replied, scooping me up into his arms. “And if the rest of you will excuse us, I think we’ll go home and get started on that right now.”

“Oh no you don’t!” Del yelled at him. “You put her down! There will be plenty of time for that later. I’m popping open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.”

“Anyways, take it from me,” Liz grumbled. “You don’t want to be pregnant at your own wedding.”

“I’ll second that,” Angel added.

We all gathered around while Del and Nick handed us glasses filled to the brim with bubbly champagne. I couldn’t help but think they were right as I took the first sip. Something about champagne always tasted better when you were celebrating something special, and I definitely wanted to be able to enjoy that on my wedding day.

Besides, I wasn’t in any rush to have kids. It would happen when the time was right, and I had no reason to rush anymore. I landed the promotion even with everyone at work finding out about my fake fiancé … and fake kid. But since that day I was exposed to everyone, I never wasted another second in regretting the lie we told. It was what brought Ben and me together after all. Or rather, it was what kept us together despite us doing everything we could to run away from each other.

From the back of Del and Nick’s yard, you could see a beautiful view of the mountains in the distance, which we stood around and admired for a long time while we talked and sipped our drinks.

Del and the others marveled at how funny life was. That Ben got this big idea to haul his best friends and Copyright 2016 - 2024