The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,48

Your place it is then.”

I drove her back to my penthouse and showed her in. I could barely keep my hands to myself on the car ride over, but I wanted to give her the full experience and tried to be a gentleman, as if we had never slept together before. It occurred to me maybe I should have picked a different dress, because she was so sexy in the one she was wearing that it made it nearly impossible for me to contain myself.

She seemed surprised when she walked into my apartment. She quietly walked around, looking over all the framed pictures of me and my family, and others with me and the guys from over the years. The place had the typical penthouse view, but I kept the decor nice and cozy. I didn’t go for all the flashy modern stuff you’d picture for a place like that.

“This is nothing like I expected,” she marveled as she looked around. “It’s so … homey. I thought I would be walking into some kind of seduction den. Like a real bachelor pad.”

“Do you like it?” I asked anxiously.

“I do …” she said slowly, looking like she had a lot on her mind.

I opened another bottle of wine and asked her to join me out on the balcony. “You’ve got to tell me what you’re thinking,” I said after a while. “You’ve been so quiet since we got here. Do you not like me anymore now that you’ve seen my place isn’t the ‘seduction den’ you were expecting?”

“That’s not it at all,” she laughed. “I’m thinking … that something a little birdy told me earlier about you might really be true after all.”

“What’s that?”

“That you’re not as much of a ladies’ man as you try to make everyone think you are,” she answered. “And I’m thinking … that if I had come back to your place that one night you asked, everything might have been different. This might have changed how I saw you. But then again … you might have just gotten freaked out all the same and still ghosted me.”

“But I still would have come to my senses just like I did this time,” I told her with certainty. There was no way I could have ever really walked away from Kate for good. And if I had, I would have spent the rest of my life beating myself up over it.

After spending a while out on the balcony, enjoying the crisp night air, we went back inside and cozied up together on my couch.

“Well, we’ve checked everything else off on the list,” I said. “Should we watch that movie together that we skipped out on before when you got all weird about hanging out with me?”

The smile from her face slowly faded, and her eyes sparked with a hunger that excited me. She leaned in close to my lips and replied in a deep, seductive tone, “No. I’m done making up for things we never did before. Let’s do more of what we already knew we were good at this whole time.”

She rolled her tongue into my mouth and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling herself up to my lap. I ran my hands up her thighs and around to her back as she straddled me, rocking against the growing bulge in my pants.

“I’ve been waiting to take this thing off of you all night,” I whispered against her lips.

She lifted her arms above her head, allowing me to slide it right off. She wasn’t wearing a bra underneath, so her breasts spilled out in front of me. I took them both into my hands and brought them to my lips to tease her. I could feel the wetness seeping into her black lace panties as she grinded into me.

Sucking each of her hardened nipples in between my teeth and tongue, I used my other hand to slide my fingers inside of her. She moaned and rocked harder against me. We kissed and tugged at each other's clothes until we couldn’t stand it anymore. I reached under her to pull my pants and boxers down, tossing them to the floor.

She took my hard-on into her hand, stroking up and down, before lifting up to lower herself over me.

“Oh my fucking god, Kate,” I rasped as she guided me inside of her.

She was wet and tight, clenching around me as she took me in. Riding me in slow, up and down motions, she knew all the right things to do to unravel me to the point of Copyright 2016 - 2024