The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,46

would implement the marketing strategy. Once all the bases had been covered, they stood up and got ready to leave, this time after having heard what I had to say.

Jim stopped to shake Greg’s hand last. “I can go ahead and tell you that we were very impressed with what we heard here today. Even despite all of the … peculiar drama that came up. I’m glad we stuck around to hear Kate out. We’ll have to convene privately of course, but I can assure you you’ll be hearing from us soon to discuss the details of how to proceed.”

Greg showed them out, looking very pleased. With everyone gone, he came over to me with a big smile. “Job well done, Kate. I’m … uh, sorry that I put you in the position that I did … making you feel like you had to lie. It seems I underestimated what you’re capable of.”

“But, Greg …” Chuck protested.

“Chuck, I wish I could say the same for you,” he barked. “It seems I overestimated you. For one, you could’ve discussed this matter with me in private instead of making us look bad in front of a client. You’re lucky they didn’t walk out, or else you might be out of a job right now. And two, I couldn’t help but notice how lacking your ideas were on this project … It’s funny considering this would have been the first time you had to work completely independently of Kate. It seems I miscalculated where all of the real talent was coming from.”

Turning back to me, he added, “And as for that promotion, I’ll make the official announcement soon. But it's obvious to me who is going to put our company on the map in today’s progressive market. And I don’t think it’s old married men like us. But young, single independent individuals like Kate.” He cut his eyes out to Ben, still stalking the door, waiting for us to finish. “Well, hopefully not single … but you know what I mean.”

Greg walked out, leaving me and Chuck alone. He looked like he was about to go off on me, but then he got so flustered and angry that all he could do was storm out. I laughed to myself and then looked out to Ben’s eager face through the glass door. I caught him flipping a middle finger to Chuck’s back as he walked away.

Finally, I walked through the doors and led him deeper into the hallway where we could talk in private.

“How did it go?” he asked impatiently.

“Good, I think,” I said with a sigh. “That was some stunt you pulled in there.”

“I’m sorry. It was a little crazy. I just...I didn’t know what else to do. I was desperate to help you out. Maybe I didn’t exactly think it through too well …” He nervously ran his hand along the back of his neck.

I crossed my arms, frowning. “Yeah, I’ll say. Getting down on one knee like that. You made quite the what was already big enough of a scene.”

I shook my head as he watched me, waiting anxiously for what else I had to say.

“Not to mention you ghosted me after the other night,” I snipped. “You took off, leaving that stupid note…”

“And water and aspirin,” he defended.

I darkened my eyes at him and he quickly recoiled. “How do I know you wouldn’t get freaked out and do that all over again?”

“You don’t,” he shrugged. “Just like I don’t know with a hundred percent certainty that you won’t break my heart. But I’d rather take that risk. Because the alternative is that none of that stuff happens. And …”

“And what? We live happily ever after?” I scoffed skeptically.

“Well, yeah … actually. We could live happily ever after.” He pulled my hands into his. “Kate, I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted. I should have told you how I felt a long time ago.”

“And how is it that you feel?”

“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before,” he admitted. “Everything feels right with you. And we may not know anything for certain, but I have a gut feeling that this is different. That you and I really have something here. I love you and I want to be with you.”

I felt like I might cry, finally hearing him say everything I never thought he would. I hadn’t even let myself hope for it, because I was so convinced he wasn’t capable of feeling this way. But now that I knew he was … I could play hard to get all day long to punish him, or I Copyright 2016 - 2024