The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,44

accounts require us to have pre-existing experience with a product in order to be able to work on the project.”

“Kate … ” the client said slowly. “If there wasn’t some big promotion on the line, like I’ve heard here today, would you have still gone to such great lengths to have a chance to work with us?”

“Maybe not at first,” she admitted. “But after I had some time to learn more about you and your products, I think so. Yes. I truly believe in your toys, and I think they’re needed in today’s market. Everything now is so flashy and cheap with plastic and bright lights. It’s all a smoke screen for something that gets tossed in the trash or lost or broken a week later. The toys aren’t about the kids’ brains or imaginations. Or pretending and having fun. They’re about consumerism and the next big thing, only for it to be on to something else the next week or even the next day.”

She looked up at me, and I knew she wasn’t just talking about the toys anymore. I had made the same impression on her. She thought I was just chasing after the next big thrill, one after the next.

“But some of us still value something deeper,” she continued. “Something more genuine and real, which is oftentimes a lot simpler than the big flashy things that are marketed to us. It may take a little longer to find or understand, but it’s worth it when you do. Since everyone seems to care about my relationship status so much … That's a good explanation of why I’m still single. Maybe online dating has us always jumping from one person to the next, but I would rather hold out for the real thing.”

The room was quiet for a moment. The client sat with his palms pressed together under his chin in quiet consideration. Finally, he leaned in and whispered to the other men sitting next to him. After talking among themselves, they all stood up and started for the door.

“I think we’ve seen enough here. A company that would exclude their employees this way … is obviously not someone we want to work with. I’m not confident you have our best interests at heart.” He buttoned his suit jacket and nodded towards Kate and I. “Good luck, you two.”

“Jim, wait,” Kate raced over to stand in front of the door. “I know you weren’t expecting to be walking into such a big mess here today. But … I promise you that the pitch I have for your company is solid. You’ve already taken the time to come all the way here. Won’t you at least sit down long enough to hear what I have to present? If you want to leave after that … I’d completely understand, and I won’t stop you.”

Jim flashed a look back to the others, and they returned to their seats. “Fair enough. We’ll listen to your pitch. After everything you just said, I am intrigued to hear what kind of strategy you’re proposing. But first … are you gonna answer this man’s proposal or what? Truthfully, I kind of hated the idea of leaving without knowing what was going to happen with all of that.”

I looked to Kate with hopeful eyes, but her expression was unreadable. She stared me down, looking terrified. “With all due respect, Jim … I think my personal life has been in the spotlight enough here today. Ben and I will have to finish our discussion in private when we’re done here.”

Everyone glared at me, waiting for me to leave. I turned for the door, but stopped and added, “I know you won’t regret it if you hire Kate for your marketing. Hell, if you don’t … I might. And anyway … if the whole family thing matters so much, and I can manage to make it up to her for being such an idiot, maybe one day, if I’m lucky, we’ll have a family of our own in the future.”

“One thing at a time, I suppose,” Jim chuckled.

I looked at Kate one last time, shooting her a thumbs up and mouthing ‘good luck,’ then walked out the door.



I was prepared to give my presentation with confidence earlier that morning, but I had been put through the wringer since then. So much so that my hands were shaking and my cheeks were bright red. Not to mention, my brain was working in overdrive just knowing that Ben was waiting outside. That he had said he loved me and wanted me to be his girlfriend. He even suggested we Copyright 2016 - 2024