The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,40


I knew the woman I loved then was no good for me. I knew I was signing up to get my heart broken. That’s why I went for her. I could prove to myself that kind of thing wasn’t for me and move on to the rest of my life without feeling like I was missing out on anything.

Until I met Kate. And suddenly, I was presented with a new problem. The glowing, hopeful feeling that with the right person, things could be different. And the part of me that knew in my bones that Kate was that person.

I kept up my guard but couldn’t stay away. Then she said the words I was too scared to say myself. In that moment, I knew I loved her too. So much so that I wondered for a moment if I was the one who said them first.

I drifted off so deep into thought there in the coffee shop, that I had to take in a sharp breath as I came crashing back to reality, realizing that Kate wasn’t sitting right in front of me. It was just a haunting memory, but my body surged with a sudden determination. I was not about to let Kate become nothing more than a memory. Not her.

I was rushing to pack everything up in my bag when my phone dinged.

Kate: Chuck knows everything. He’s about to expose me in front of my boss and the clients. Just figured I’d let you know. At least we tried.

Even better. I was already planning to go find Kate and fix everything. But now I could save her job one last time while I was at it. I wasn’t about to let that Chuck guy win, and I certainly wasn’t about to let Kate slip away.

I stuffed the rest of the papers into my briefcase, slid my phone into my pocket, and ran out the door, texting Nick along the way. I may have let everything, including Kate, slip through my hands for a moment, but I was back! Jumping into my car, I sped off towards her office.



My brain was still clouded with all things Ben as I was on my way to work for my big pitch to the clients. I needed some way to get things off my chest to help ensure that it didn’t throw off my performance. As I pulled my car in to park in front of the firm, I decided to call my friend Paige. She also worked in marketing, but did freelance work for different businesses around Cherry Falls. I normally vented to her about work things, but given her active dating history … I figured she could offer some comfort regarding my love life just as well.

“Hey girl. It’s been a minute since I talked to you. Everything okay?” she answered.

“Yes, everything is fine,” I replied instinctively. “Well, no. It’s not okay. That’s why I’m calling. I’ve been having a bit of … well, boy troubles, I guess you could say.”

“You? Boy troubles? In all the time I’ve known you, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you complain about men,” she said. “This should be good. Let’s hear it.”

I took in a deep breath as I started walking into the building and gave her a rundown of everything. I was tucked into my office for most of it, which was good because I felt like I needed to be sitting down to relive it all over again. I explained how Ben and I met and all the craziness that happened after that. She listened intently the whole time. When I finally finished, she was quiet for a moment as she took it all in.

“You still there? You think I’m crazy, right?”

“No, I don’t think you’re crazy. You know I’ve been pulled in for some work with your firm before, and I know how those guys are. They’re jerks. I’m not at all surprised you felt the need to lie like that,” she told me. “But wait...this guy. Are you talking about Ben Wilder? Of Wilder Properties?”

“That’s the one,” I sighed, noticing how his name still caused a buzzing sensation through my body. “Why? You know him?”

“Actually … I dated him. Sort of. Well, we went out once or twice. Nothing happened,” she explained.

“I’m not surprised. You’re gorgeous and he’ll go after anyone who’s hot apparently,” I huffed.

“No, girl. It’s not like that at all. I mean, I thought that about him at first too. But he’s really not as big of a womanizer as he tries Copyright 2016 - 2024