The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,34

forward to having another guy in the crew at our work functions.”

It was an awkward moment as Greg tried to figure out what Chuck could have meant and he exchanged accusing glances with Kate.

“Uh, actually … you may not be seeing much of me after this,” I told them. They all stared at me expectantly, especially Kate. “I’ve got a big deal coming up at work that could have me traveling around the country for a while.”

Chuck perked up. “I guess that means you’ll be cutting back hours, Kate. Since someone will have to take care of Olivia.”

“Uh … well … you see,” she stammered cluelessly.

“Actually, Olivia will be coming with me,” I blurted. “After the wedding, I’ll be hiring a nanny to travel along with us. Olivia is so attached to me with her mother no longer being with us and all. We thought it’d be best for us to stay close until I wrap up my countrywide business and can spend more time getting Olivia and Kate bonded.”

“That sounds awfully hard,” he argued. “Getting married and then taking off with your kid like that. Kate, how do you feel about that?”

This guy was doing everything he could to try and poke holes in our story or spell trouble out for Greg. Anything to throw her chances at the promotion.

Kate tried to rustle up a response. “Oh … you know … I …”

“We agreed that we’ll have the rest of our lives together,” I chimed in for her. “No need to worry about one small sliver of time that we’re apart when we have forever.” I pulled her to my side and kissed her forehead. “Isn’t that right, honey?”

“That’s right,” she murmured.

“Sounds like you have it all figured out,” Greg smiled. “Good for you. Well, Ben … if I don’t see you before you take off …”

“What about the wedding?” Chuck interjected. “Surely we’ll be invited to your wedding?”

“We’re eloping actually,” I shot back.

“How perfect,” he groaned.

“As I was saying, Ben,” Greg reached out to shake my hand again. “If I don’t see you again before you take off, it was great getting to know you these past couple of weeks. We’ll throw you a big party when you get done with all your traveling. Kate’s lucky to have a great guy like you in her life. And Olivia too, of course.”

We did the last farewells and returned to our exit from the building. Kate walked with us out into the parking lot, looking so relieved and happy.

“That was genius, Ben,” she grinned, ear to ear. “And he bought it! Greg actually bought it! Now I’m off the hook for at least a year. And when it comes up again, I can just say the long distance was too hard for us and we decided to go our separate ways. Genius!”

“Glad to be of assistance. Yeah and other than all your co-workers thinking you’re a divorcee, it’s a relatively harmless lie in the long run.”

“A harmless lie,” she sighed. “If there is such a thing, I’d say we came pretty damn close to accomplishing just that. And I don’t mind being a divorcee. It makes me sound more interesting, I think.”

I watched her squinting from the sunlight with her perfect nose all scrunched up. “Kate, you are by far the most interesting woman I have ever met.”

She blushed and kicked her heel around the pavement. “Hey, listen. I do feel bad about the last time we saw each other. I made it weird when it didn’t have to be and … ”

“Don’t mention it,” I huffed, turning to get Olivia into her car seat.

“Well, I was wondering … we really did pull off a crazy feat here. Not only convincing them we were engaged, but that we had a kid on top of that. Would you be free this evening to have a drink to celebrate? Nothing crazy. Just a friendly drink. It’d make up for that movie I scared you off from.”

I finished buckling in Olivia, considering the offer. I liked to think I could do the smart thing and decline, but when I turned around and saw her again, I knew it was pointless to try. I was no better equipped to turn that invitation down than I was any of the ones before.

“Drinks would be great, actually,” I told her. “I’ll go drop Olivia off, and then I can meet you somewhere?”

“Perfect. I just need to make a few phone calls here and run back home real quick, then I’ll be ready.”

“We can go to my buddy Damon’s club. You’d like it there. It’s Copyright 2016 - 2024