The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,23

he had from his heartbreak all those years ago in college. Cue the best friend trying to sell the poor girl on the same dream, and it’s like one big cleverly formed trap. But I wasn’t falling for it. I was not about to be some rehabilitation center for his commitment issues.

“Forget marriage,” I scoffed. “I’ll just be happy when I get ahead at the marketing firm. And thanks to your help, I’ll have a shot at this new client. I already have so many pitch ideas. I can’t believe I had to go through all of this just to have my ideas heard. I angry as I am that you lied when we met, it all ended up working out for the best. I never would have dreamed of telling them we were engaged if I didn’t think you had a kid of your own.”

“Olivia saved the day,” he smiled.

“I officially need to go spend some time with some horrible kids now,” I joked. “Being around that adorable little thing makes my ovaries ache.”

“I must be immune to whatever the male equivalent of that would be. I love Olivia and we have a blast, but at the end of the day … I’m ready for her to go home.”

“I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to egg you on and say ‘oh come on, you’d be a great dad’ and blah, blah, blah …”

He wrinkled his face. “What are you talking about? I mean, I know I’d be a great dad if I wanted to be one. But … why would I need you to tell me that?”

“Nothing,” I mumbled, turning to look out the window. It was better if I just kept my mouth shut for the rest of the drive rather than blurt out something I’d regret.

When Ben pulled up in front of my building, it felt awkward saying goodbye. “I want to do something to thank you for doing all of this for me,” I pondered outloud. “But I doubt I could buy you anything you don’t already have. Maybe I can send you a small token of appreciation. Do you have a favorite coffee? Any favorite snacks?”

“Save the gift basket,” he said, holding his hand in the air. “I told you. This was my way of making up for lying to you.”

“Okay then. If you say so. Well then … I guess I’ll save the gift basket offer for if I ever need you again. Like maybe a heated public argument to explain our breakup after I get the promotion,” I joked, hoping that wouldn’t really be necessary.

A strange look washed over his face. Was he disappointed? Why? Was it because I wasn’t falling all over him, begging to see him again? No way. Not me. He made it clear he didn’t want a relationship. I wasn’t going to chase after someone who had committed to being unattainable.

But I felt weird too. I kept thinking all afternoon that I couldn’t wait for the day to be over so we could be done with each other, but now that I had survived and made it there … It was hard saying goodbye. Harder than it should have been.

“Bye,” I forced myself to say, finally unbuckling my seatbelt and reaching for the door handle.

“Kate, wait. I have an idea,” he said suddenly.

Please don’t make this any harder than it already is, I groaned to myself as I leaned back in the seat. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

“Well, you’ve never seen my place before. Would you want to come over for a bit? Maybe have a few glasses of wine?”

“Oh no,” I laughed. “I know what you’re trying to do. You think if you get me into your place, which no doubt has some kind of seduction set-up with mood lighting and music, and fill me up with wine that you’ll convince me to sleep with you again.”

“To be honest, I was going to try to convince you,” he confessed. “But not with wine or mood lighting. I just figured … you know … well, I don’t know about you, but I thought the other night was amazing.”

“Sure,” I said slowly. “Yeah … it was great. But a one-off thing is excusable. You got me off guard and caught me in a moment of weakness. I’m not going to make the same mistake again.”

It killed me to say it. I had been craving more of him ever since, and now here he was...dangling it right in front of me. It took everything in me to stick to my resolve.

“I just thought … why Copyright 2016 - 2024