The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,21

have to move for my career now that I’ve gotten attached to this place.”

Angel grinned and cut her eyes over to me. “How did the fiancé story go over? Olivia didn’t rat you guys out, did she?”

“No, thank goodness,” Kate blushed. “I know you guys must think I’m nuts for getting myself into this mess. I swear I normally never lie. And hopefully I won’t have to for too much longer. They all seem to be convinced that Ben and I are really engaged and that Olivia is his kid. So now I just work on my pitch for the clients and keep my fingers crossed! I’ll make up some story about things not working out between Ben and I after I see what happens with the promotion.”

“You’ve got some balls, girls.” Angel clinked her bottle to Kate’s. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” she smiled sweetly. “Ben was a real lifesaver. And you two for letting us borrow Olivia. I know this all makes me look like a lunatic.”

“We’ve pulled off some pretty crazy stunts in our line of work,” Joey noted. “Did Ben tell you about the time he learned Japanese because he thought it would impress these clients we were trying to sign a deal with? Then they show up to the big dinner, and it turns out they spoke Mandarin! So he actually ended up insulting them rather than winning them over!”

“Ugh,” I groaned. “I spent weeks just trying to learn enough for basic conversation and a good greeting. They were pissed when they showed up and I started speaking Mandarin.”

My eyes lit up at Kate and her beautiful laugh. But our plates were empty, and I knew I’d have to take her home soon. I racked my brain for what I could do. I could always just ask her out … but she was probably too skeptical of me to say yes. She did make it pretty clear she hated me after she found out I wasn’t who she thought I was.

Despite my growing dread about the day with her ending, I tried to put on a happy face and enjoy seeing her with my friends while I could. I kept waiting for any sign from her that she might be interested in seeing me again, but I was used to avoiding things like that. Not encouraging them. It was hopeless.

I couldn’t resist cornering Angel in the kitchen while Joey showed Kate their backyard and patio. I needed advice. A woman’s advice.

“Do you think she likes me? If I asked her out … you know, for real. Do you think she’d say yes?” I asked her, watching Kate and Joey through the window.

“Uh-uh. No sir. Joey already caught me up to speed on everything, and I’m not going to hold your hand through this, Mr. Commitment-phobe,” she scolded. “For one thing, she seems like a really cool person. So I don’t want to encourage you if you’re just going to break her heart. She doesn’t need that with everything she’s trying to accomplish at work. And two … part of being in a relationship is learning how to communicate. If you can’t even ask the girl out, for real, then I hate to break it to you … but you’re not ready for the big leagues.”

“Thanks,” I grumbled. “That helps a lot.”

She joined me at my side and stared out at the two of them talking. “You’re going to have to face your fears sooner or later, Ben. That girl that broke your heart in college happened years and years ago. You can’t use that as an excuse forever.”



Joey and Angel’s backyard was an oasis for hanging out with all of its screened-in spots, complete with fireplaces and mini-bars. There was a beautiful garden surrounding it with twinkling lights and hanging plants tucked into every corner.

“This is amazing,” I sighed, basking in how cozy it all felt.

“Sometimes we like it better out here than in the house,” he quipped. “We keep telling Ben to buy a house so he can enjoy things like this.”

“Oh! He doesn’t own a home? I guess I just assumed he had a big gorgeous place like this,” I remarked.

He laughed and shook his head. “That guy is so scared of commitment that even mortgages scare him. He takes up one of the penthouse suites in a building he owns. Which is funny, because he was the first one out of all of us to buy a house back in the day.”

“Really? What happened?”

“Yeah, back in New York,” he nodded. “He met this Copyright 2016 - 2024