The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,13

“What was that?” I managed to say with my eyes still closed.

“I have a way of being able to tell when it’s been a while since a woman has had sex,” he boasted. “It makes them act a special kind of crazy. Which you are obviously doing left and right. That’s why you lied to your boss in the first place.”

“You think you know everything, don’t you?” I squinted at him, trying not to focus on how badly I wanted him to do that again … or any part of me that knew he was right.

“Not everything,” he grinned, stepping close again. “But I have a few good hunches here and there. Like …” his voice dropped to an irresistible deep, sexy rasp as he ran his hand along the back of my hair, taking it in his fist to tilt my face back up towards his. “I have a hunch that you enjoyed that kiss more than you wanted to. And that if I do it again … you’re not going to stop me.”

The hum of his words vibrated through my entire body, striking a tingling sensation between my legs. He was right. My mouth floated back towards him like a moth to a flame. Only this time, his tongue rolled across mine, intensifying the swelling desire that was starting to explode inside of me.

Damn, he was a good kisser. Sure, it had been a while. But I remembered enough to know a good kisser when I found one. And he was a pro. Each stroke of his tongue or kneading of his hand along my body left me weak at the knees. I guess that was why I completely sank against his chest, putting my body at his mercy.

“Show me inside,” he murmured against my lips.

I swallowed hard, wishing I could say no. But there was no way he could get me that worked up just for me to send him home. It was game over.

I nodded, turning around and trying to hold my head high as he followed me into the building. I wished more than anything I could have been stubborn enough to prove him wrong. But my need was far too great to keep quiet long enough for me to prove a point.

We got onto the elevator and the moment the doors closed, we were back at it again. I lifted one leg to wrap it around him, desperate to feel his hard-on pressing in between my legs. He let out a manly grunt into my mouth as his hands found their way to my butt cheeks, squeezing them both and pulling me even closer into him as our kiss deepened.

We were clawing at each other like wild animals until the elevator dinged, and I quickly ripped myself away to try and straighten up my appearance. Not that it was any use. My lipstick was smeared and I could feel my hair sticking up in the back, all matted around my hair tie. But I played it straight anyway all the way to my apartment door.

Ben’s body hovered too close behind me as I dug in my purse for my keys. His addictive lips were like magnets. The moment my keys were in hand, I was barely able to slide the correct one into the hole before I was answering the call of his hot breath behind me. I spun around and let him crash into me again. Only this time both of my legs went shooting up, wrapping around his waist as he slammed my back into the door.

While drinking him in as deeply as I could, I somehow managed to get the door unlocked. I wasn’t even entirely sure which one of us actually turned the knob, sending both of our bodies shooting forward into my living room.

“What is happening right now?” I asked breathlessly as I came up for air. I hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but my body was buzzing with more arousal than I had ever experienced. And with Ben, no less. I didn’t even have that much to drink at dinner. How had I fallen into his trap!?

“I’m giving you what you need,” he whispered, trailing his thumb along my bottom lip.

Need was exactly what I felt. In fact, it seemed to be the only part of my body that was actually working. Because my brain and good judgment sure as hell weren’t.

“Fuck it,” I replied, kissing him again.

He carried me into the bedroom and tossed me down onto the mattress, with Copyright 2016 - 2024