The Billionaire's Fake Fiancee - Lauren Wood Page 0,11

veterans and we’ll be more than happy to help you through mommy bootcamp. Do you two plan on having kids of your own as well?”

Kate damn near choked on a bite of pie in response to the question. I placed my hand on her back and took the liberty of responding, “That’s yet to be determined. We’ll have a lot to adjust to before we can think that far ahead.”

They seemed satisfied enough with the response, but seeing how uncomfortable Kate was gave me an idea for having a little more fun.

“But I know I personally would love to have three or four more,” I added.

She coughed even harder, raising concern around the table. “I’m okay,” she croaked with a bright red face. She quickly grabbed a glass of water to wash it all down. “Like he said … there’s a lot to adjust to before we can get that far.”

“Well, it’s marvelous that you have the one to start out with,” Diane beamed. “What’s her name?”


“Beautiful,” she replied with a dreamy sigh.

“You know, before you got here we were just discussing a picnic at the park this Saturday,” Chuck told us. I could tell by how carefully he watched our expressions that he was more skeptical than anyone about Kate and my sudden engagement. “You should bring Olivia! She could play with the other kids.”

“Oh, yes!” Diane clapped her hands by his side. “I would love to meet the little dear.”

“Uh … this Saturday?” Kate wrinkled her brows. “Well, you know … this Saturday … uh, I think we have a family function to attend. So sorry.”

I could have let it go. Everyone seemed convinced enough. But getting under her skin was giving me a thrill I hadn’t known in a long time. And I secretly kind of loved the excuse to put my hands on her and be near her. I thought it might be fun to drag things out a little longer. And anyway, it would only help her sell the lie to her co-workers. Though I didn’t know why she wanted to work with such insufferably boring people.

“Oh no, sweetie. That got canceled, remember?” I shot her a sly grin.

She whipped around, darkening her eyes at me. “What?” she growled in my direction.

“The barbecue at my parents’ house was canceled. So, we’d love to join you all at the picnic. Olivia would have a blast,” I smiled wide.

Kate’s nostrils flared, but everyone else was so pleased that she had to plaster on a smile and play along. “Great! That settles it then. A picnic with the kids. So great. Looking forward to it.”

“How is Kate with Olivia anyway?” Greg blurted. “I never thought you were into kids.”

Kate’s face instantly sank again. I had to admit, it was kind of a dick thing to blurt out like that in front of everyone. No wonder she was struggling to get ahead while working with these jerks.

“I just wanted to have a career first is all,” she defended, looking to Diane and Kathy. “Surely you two understand what it would be like trying to work and take care of the kids.”

“Oh, god,” they winced in unison.

“It’d be a nightmare!” Kathy marveled. “I don’t know how women do it. So, you’ll be staying home then when you have more kids of your own? Or after the wedding?”

I watched Kate panic, thinking she had just shot herself in the foot. But I quickly jumped in to save her. That’s what I was there for, after all.

“Actually, I will be,” I interjected. “My company has been extremely successful, so I figured why not retire early? I can afford to.” The men instantly recoiled out of insecurity, which took care of any sexist judgment they might have tried to argue next. “Or I have a buddy that works from home with their kid since his wife runs her own restaurant full-time. But aside from all of that … Kate is great with kids. Olivia adores her.”

“Awww,” Diane melted, placing a hand over her heart. “That’s so sweet.”

“And what’s their child’s name?” Chuck asked.

I blinked. “Come again?”

“Your friend’s child. The one who stays home with the baby while the wife works. Sorry if that seems like a weird question to ask. Diane here just loves baby names.”

“It’s true,” she snickered.

I stuttered as my mind came up blank. The problem was that the kid's name was Olivia...but they all thought she was my kid.

“Travis!” Kate blurted suddenly. “Their kid’s name is Travis, and he loves having playdates with Olivia. Which would work great if Ben Copyright 2016 - 2024