The Billionaire Op - Lori Ryan Page 0,32

a way, he wanted to regret it. He wanted to feel like he’d done something wrong, and on the one hand he did, but a part of him couldn’t be sorry for what happened.

Having the chance to hold Jennie in his arms for one night had been incredible. He didn’t know if she could ever give him more than that, but he’d take what he could. He’d take the memory of one night with her if that’s all he could have.

The phone rang, pulling him out of his thoughts. Chad picked it up, knowing it would be either Jack or Andrew.

“Yeah, guys,” he said.

“Chad, I want you guys out of there. The jet’s on standby. Get to the airstrip and get out of there now,” Jack said, the urgency in his tone sending cold disquiet through Chad.

“They’re laundering money,” Andrew explained. “That’s the only reason to run that money through there like that and the only explanation for billing for boats that don’t exist. And, whoever the hell those idiot nephews have gotten into bed with won’t be nice people. Nice people don’t need to clean their money. My guess is the building inspector, Bandon, they’ve partnered up with is taking bribes.”

Chad was already up, grabbing his backpack and Jennie’s purse then heading for the door. If they had time to get back and pack their stuff, they would.

But, he wanted to be ready in case Jennie’s questions raised red flags. If the shit hit the fan, then at least they had what they needed. They’d replace the clothes and other things later.

“I’m going. I’ll call you when we’re on the plane.” He didn’t wait for them to answer. He needed to get to Jennie.

Since she’d never suspect anything like this, she might ask one too many questions. Their undercover work was never dangerous. It had always been almost a joke to call it undercover.

He suddenly realized the position he’d put her in, the danger she could be in right now. It was always possible someone would resent the way she brought information to light on a job. She could be on the receiving end of retribution or a vendetta at any time.

Never mind the way he’d just walked her right straight into a situation with people who were very likely quite dangerous. He felt as if someone had sliced him open and gutted him. If anything happened to Jennie, he would never forgive himself.

Chad jogged along the secluded path and up to the main building of the resort with only one thing on his mind. Jennie. Getting to her and getting her to safety.

Chapter 18

Jennie crossed the lobby to the front desk, glad to see her friend Tracy was working there. She’d spent many days chatting with Tracy and pulling bits and pieces of information from her. She genuinely liked the woman. She seemed to work hard and actually care about the experience the guests at the resort had.

Jennie slipped into airhead mode.

“Hi, Tracy!”

“Hi, Jennie. How are you today?” Tracy asked, her smile wide.

Jennie pouted in an overly dramatic way that would have had her cringing if she’d seen it on another woman. The staff here was trained to cater to those pouts instead of cringe. “We only have three days left here and Chad mentioned wanting to go out on a fishing boat. It always seems like all the boats are out. Are they all booked?”

Her friend’s face fell. “I’m sorry. I’m afraid they are. The fishing trips book several weeks in advance. In fact, most people book them when they book their reservations for the resort. Apparently, sitting and waiting for a fish to bite a hook is quite popular,” Tracy said, wry humor in her voice.

“Oh no. I really wanted to take Chad fishing. You guys don’t have other boats you could bring in or another location we could take a trip from?”

If Tracy thought the questions were odd, she didn’t show it. She just shook her head. “I’m afraid not. We only have the three boats and they fill up fast. Our dock isn’t big enough for more than that.”

Jennie feigned disappointment and said good-bye. As she walked away from the front desk, she headed toward the staircase that would bring her out to the hallways leading to some of the rooms.

She’d seen a doorway marked private right before the stairs and wondered if there were offices back there. Maybe even the nephews’ offices.

With a quick peek over her shoulder to ensure that Tracy was Copyright 2016 - 2024