The Billionaire Matchmaker Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service #5) - Elle James Page 0,54

“I hadn’t even thought about it.”

“You shouldn’t let today make you hesitate,” he said.

“I don’t know. I’m beginning to think BODS isn’t working.”

“Consider it one more beta test. If your next date as equally disastrous, you’ll know you need to tweak the code.”

Her lips twisted into a grimace. “I really don’t know if I’m up to another date so soon.”

“Think of it as an adhesive bandage.”

Her brow furrowed. “You mean, like, I know it’s going to hurt so I should just rip it off?” Leslie laughed. “You’re not making a good case for me to go on my next date. And what about you? When are you going to go out with your third match?” She cocked an eyebrow in challenge.

He held up his phone. “I’ll do it right now,” he said. “And you?”

She sighed. “Fine, but only because I want to beta test BODS.” She checked the oven timer, then hurried out of the kitchen. She was back a minute later with her laptop. In seconds, she had BODS up. “I think you had a point about skipping to the end. I think since you’re at your last match, I’m going to skip to mine.”

Tag frowned. She wasn’t heading the direction he’d expected. “Are you sure you want to skip past Milton? He might be the one.”

She shook her head. “No, I think I’ve had enough. One more is all I’m going for.”

“I thought number four didn’t want to meet right away.”

“He didn’t, but it’s about time we met.” She clicked away on her keyboard.

Tag turned away so that she couldn’t see what he was doing on his cellphone. He brought up the BODS application in time to see her message come across. He opened it and quickly read it.


I think it’s time we met.


* * *

It wasn’t part of his plan, but he could make this work. He responded.


I agree. How does Friday work for you?


* * *

Leslie looked up and frowned. “He wants to meet on Friday.”

Tag shrugged. “Sounds good. I’m sure I can make it work with my date.”

“That’s not good,” Leslie said. “I want to get this over with.”

“What are you thinking?” Tag asked, feeling guilty that he was playing her. He hoped she wouldn’t be mad when she finally learned he was Joe.

Leslie shook her head. “The sooner the better.” She bent to her keyboard, her fingers clicking furiously.


Friday doesn’t work for me. Could you make it Monday night?


* * *

Tag fought a grin. “What did you tell him?”

“I want Monday night. I hope he goes for it.”

* * *


Wednesday would be better. If that’s good for you, I’ll meet you at Rosa’s Patio at seven o’clock.


* * *

Leslie frowned.

* * *

“Is he going for it?” Tag asked, knowing full well he was pushing her to Wednesday.

“No. He wants Wednesday and to meet at Rosa’s Patio at seven o’clock.”

“I like that place. Their margaritas are the best,” Tag said. “I’ll see if my date can do the same.”

“I guess it’ll be okay.” Leslie’s frown deepened. “Problem is, I don’t know what he looks like.” She tapped away on her keyboard again.

* * *

Wednesday is good. How will I know you? I don’t have a clear photo to go by.


* * *

“With a name like Joe Fox, he’ll probably have a red rose at the table,” Tag said as he tapped his screen with his response. “My date is on for Wednesday.”

* * *


I’ll be the man with a yellow rose lying on the table.


* * *

Leslie glanced up, her brow furrowed. “He’s going to have a yellow rose. What does that mean?”

“Why does the color have to mean anything?” Tag asked. He’d picked the color to be something different than the red he’d teased about. He spoke to his phone. “Siri, what are the meanings for the colors of roses?”

His cellphone came back with a webpage displaying the colors of roses and their meanings. He leaned close to Leslie with the display and enlarged the image. “Yellow roses mean welcome back.”

Her frown deepened.

Tag scrolled down a little farther, breathed a sigh and pointed. “And it also means new beginnings.”

Her frown eased. “New beginnings. Okay, I guess that’s okay. Not that I plan on starting anything with Joe. I’m over this matchmaking BODS came up with. I have to work on the software. I hate to think it might be this far off on other matches, besides ours.”

“I’m sure it’s okay. Look at our friends,” Tag said. “They’re ecstatic.”

Leslie smiled. “They are, aren’t they?”

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