The Billionaire Matchmaker Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service #5) - Elle James Page 0,5

better in a misery-loves-company way.

But it didn’t. Not at all.

Chapter 2

Tag found the issue with the BODS system in less than a minute, because he’d installed the glitch and set it up on a timer to shut down when it did. The timing couldn’t have been better. With his friends ganging up on him and issuing their ultimatum, the call from Leslie’s assistant, Ava, had come exactly when he’d needed an excuse to get away.

Actually, everything couldn’t have worked out better. Even Ava making the call had been better than Leslie doing it. Having Ava at the office when he got there helped goad Leslie into trying her own system, making Ava look pushy, not him.

He was gleefully aware of everything falling into place. Now, all he had to do was look busy for fifteen minutes, push the button that brought BODS back to life, take Leslie out to dinner and begin his campaign to win her over.

He’d waited four years for Leslie to work her way through the grieving process after the loss of her husband and Tag’s friend, Randy. Tag had been in love with Leslie since they’d met at Chance Montgomery’s cocktail party six years ago. Only he hadn’t been at a place in his life to make the commitment she’d needed. Randy had been there and made his move before Tag could. Because he’d loved them both, he’d stepped back, allowing Randy and Leslie the happiness they both deserved, all the while kicking himself for not letting her know how he felt.

After Randy had been diagnosed with cancer, Tag had realized that fate had played the right hand. Randy had needed Leslie to see him through to the end. Tag had been there as well, but Randy had died in Leslie’s arms. A life cut short by a horrible disease. How could Tag resent his friend for the time he’d had with Leslie? He couldn’t…and he couldn’t bring himself to move in on the widow as soon as Randy’s body was laid to rest.

No, Tag had been there for Leslie as her friend. A close friend. For four years.

Now that Leslie’s matchmaking business was up, running and successful, Tag hoped she’d remember that she still had a lot of good years left in her, and she deserved a little happiness in her life.

He hoped and prayed she’d find that happiness with him. Tag just had to show her the possibilities.

At exactly sixteen minutes from the moment they’d started the clock, Tag hit the button to reboot the BODS system. The Billionaire Online Dating System came right up, working exactly as Leslie had programed. “It’s up,” he called out.

Leslie came in and stood behind him, her hands on the back of her chair. “Oh, thank God,” she said and sagged against the chair. “I owe you, Tag. You’ve saved my butt more times than I care to count.”

“You don’t owe me anything,” he said. “In fact,” he glanced at his watch, “I owe you dinner. It’s been sixteen minutes.”

“One minute is no big deal. I’m still buying your dinner.”

He stood, shaking his head. “No way. A deal is a deal.”

“But I don’t feel right about you buying dinner when I’m sure your time is worth so much more than a meal. And I took you away from your friends.” She frowned. “Is it too late to rejoin them?”

Worst thought ever. “Way too late. I’m sure they’re back home with their significant others by now. Which leaves me on my own for dinner.” He tilted his head. “Are you trying to stand me up?”

Leslie laughed. “Not at all. I just don’t want to take up too much of your time.”

“Being with you is never taking up my time.” He hugged her shoulders like a good friend would when he’d rather take her into his arms and kiss her until they ran out of air in their lungs. Hopefully, that would come with time. He had a plan, and he’d stick to it. “What are friends for, if not to have someone to eat dinner with?”

She nodded. “Right.” Her frown returned. “I guess it is about time we both took BODS seriously for ourselves. When was the last time you had a date?”

Tag shrugged. “I don’t know.” He’d tried a couple of times. A shudder rippled through him. Those dates were disastrous. The primary problem was that the women weren’t Leslie.

“You work too much. And then you spend too much time helping me.” She clapped her hands together. “Well, Copyright 2016 - 2024