The Billionaire Matchmaker Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service #5) - Elle James Page 0,43

my life.”

“Yeah,” Colton said. “I would kinda like to have a wife to come home to, instead of a bunch of guys who smell like something the cat dragged in.”

Tag grinned. “I’ll have Leslie schedule you guys to sign up on her dating service. You won’t regret it.”

“Speaking of regrets,” Coop said. “What’s happening with you and your dates, Tag? Any luck?”

Tag nodded. “I’m working on it. I was matched with three lovely ladies. I’ve been on one date already. I see the second lady tomorrow.”

“I hear the first one was all into Comic Con and Dr. Who,” Sean said. He shook his head. “I’m not picturing you at one of those conventions.”

Tag grinned. “We went to one.”

His eyebrows rose. “And you liked it?”

He liked being with Leslie. “It was fun.” With Leslie.

“And when you two get married, we’re all going to be in costume?” Sean laughed. “I call dibs on Iron Man.”

“I’ll come as Hulk,” Moose said.

“I call Thor,” Coop said.

Tag shook his head. “I’m not getting married at a comic book convention. And I’m not marrying Twyla.”

“That certain about your first match?” Gage asked.

Tag nodded. “Absolutely. She’s not the one for me.”

“Maybe Bachelorette Number Two will be more to your liking,” Sean said. “You better get with the picture. The rest of us are meeting the goals we set for ourselves. You’re the last holdout.”

“I’m working on it,” Tag said. “I hope to have good news soon.”

Coop draped an arm over Tag’s shoulder. “I’m glad to hear it. I’d like to think we’ll have kids around the same time so they can grow up together.”

“That’s right,” Moose said. “Jane wants a bunch.”

“So does Fiona,” Gage said.

“And Ava wants a brother or sister for Mica,” Sean said.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got a plan,” Tag said. And he prayed it worked out. This time next year, he hoped to be married and for them to be well on their way to having those kids everyone was talking about.

They watched the last half of the games, cheering on the Longhorns and the Aggies. Both teams won, leaving all nine men happy.

Tag glanced at his watch. They had thirty minutes until the wedding planner would round them up and herd them over to the chapel. “Okay, guys, the fun’s over. It’s time to get serious. We’ve got to get Coop to the church on time.”

They hurried into their suits, pinned on boutonnieres and combed their hair. Tag went down the line, inspecting all the men.

They all looked amazing.

Emma’s brothers left to usher guests into the chapel, leaving the five men of the Billionaires Anonymous Club to await their cue.

“Coop,” Tag said. “I wish you all the love and happiness you and Emma deserve.” He hugged his friend. “Love you, man.”

“Thanks,” Coop said. “It’ll be your turn soon.”

Tag was counting on it. He wished he was Coop and Leslie was Emma, and they were the ones getting married that day.

After Sean, Moose and Gage hugged Coop, they opened the door to find Marjorie standing there with her hand raised to knock. “Ready?” she asked.

Coop nodded. “Ready. Lead the way.”

The men filed out of the carriage house and crossed the lawn to the chapel.

Coop entered and went to the front of the chapel to wait for his bride.

The bridesmaids came out of the manor house and lined up next to their respective groomsmen.

Tag smiled down at Leslie. She was stunning in a deep red gown, her sandy blond hair pulled back on one side, the other swinging free, cupping her chin. She was beautiful, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She kept her head down, her eyes on the small bouquet of white roses in her hands.

The preacher did his job, Coop and Emma said their vows and he pronounced them husband and wife.

“You may kiss your bride,” the minister said.

Coop yelled, “Yeehaw!”, grabbed Emma and kissed her, then kissed her some more, dipping her low in his arms.

Everyone in the church clapped.

Tag’s gaze left the couple and crossed the aisle to Leslie. She was watching Coop and Emma kiss, her eyes filled with tears. Then she turned to him, her gaze colliding with his.

Tears slid down her cheeks. She wiped at the them and squared her shoulders, lifting her chin.

Coop and Emma turned to the congregation and smiled.

Leslie helped the bridesmaids straighten Emma’s train as she swept down the aisle and out of the church where the photographer was waiting to take pictures of the bride and groom.

As Marjorie had choreographed, each couple Copyright 2016 - 2024