The Billionaire Matchmaker Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service #5) - Elle James Page 0,24

you do?” Otis asked Twyla.

“I do programming for medical experiments for clinical research projects,” she replied.

“That’s interesting,” Otis said with a smile. “How long have you been doing that?”

“I landed the job straight out of college. I’ve been at it now for the past seven years.” She shrugged. “It’s interesting work, and I enjoy being involved in the trials. I hope that someday I’ll be involved in a clinical trial that will be responsible for finding the cure for cancer.”

Otis nodded. “That would be the ultimate victory.” He turned to Leslie. “What kind of software do you develop?”

“Relational database software,” Leslie said, her gaze capturing Tag’s, her lips quirking upward in a smile.

Tag almost snorted out of his nose the drink he’d been sipping. More like relationship software. Her clients didn’t need to know she was the one responsible for the BODS system that got them there.

Thankfully, their food arrived, limiting the amount of talking they could do. Tag ate his steak, watching as Leslie pushed hers around on her plate. He’d make certain she got a box to take her meal home to eat later. The woman didn’t eat nearly enough.

When she became his wife, he’d take better care of her. He liked cooking and didn’t mind cleaning. He had a maid that did both, but he still preferred to do his own chores.

After their plates were cleared away, Leslie pushed back from the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to make a visit to the ladies’ room.”

Tag waited a few moments then stood. “Excuse me. I need to see a man about a horse.”

Twyla’s brow scrunched. “A horse?”

Otis chuckled. “He’s going to the restroom.”

Twyla’s eyes widened. “Oh.”

He hurried to the rear of the restaurant where the restrooms were located down a narrow hallway. Though he didn’t need to use the facilities, he wanted to compare notes with Leslie about their dates. He waited outside the ladies’ room until she emerged.

Her eyes widened when she saw him.

He smiled. “So, what do you think about Otis?”

Leslie looked in both directions to make certain Otis and Twyla weren’t coming or going in the hallway. She smiled up at Tag. “I think he’s a very nice man. He’s intelligent, not bad looking, and he knows a lot about Dr. Who and celebrities.” She shrugged. “I guess I need to brush up on my Dr. Who series if I plan on seeing him again.”

Tag frowned. “Are you planning on seeing him again?”

She shrugged again. “I don’t know. I want to give the other candidates a chance before I decide.”

Tag nodded. “The big question is, can you see Otis as the father of your children?”

Leslie’s brow puckered. “I don’t know. It’s hard to say after just one date.” She raised her eyebrows. “How about you? Twyla is pretty, and she’s very sweet and smart.”

“You say that as if you don’t expect me to date a smart woman,” Tag said.

“Not at all,” Leslie said. “You’re a very smart man. I’d expect you to date someone equally smart. Otherwise, you’d walk all over her.”

“And that’s why I like you so much,” Tag said. “You call it like it is, and you don’t let me get away with anything.”

She grinned. “What are friends for, if they can’t tell you the truth?” She tilted her head. “So, do you see Twyla as the mother of your four children?”

There was no way in hell he’d marry Twyla, but Tag played along. “She’s nice. She’s good-looking, and she’d make pretty babies. But I can’t see me marrying a woman who’d probably want to name a child Dr. Who, or after David Tenant, Spock, Spider Man or Thor.” He lifted a shoulder. “And I’m not all that into Comic Cons or cosplay. Dressing up is fun for Halloween parties or masquerade balls, but I’m not all that into it. I’d feel more comfortable riding a horse out on my ranch.”

“Exactly,” Leslie said. “Fewer people…wide open spaces…communing with nature.” She sighed. “Sounds like heaven.”

“It is,” he said. “Especially when you can share it with someone who appreciates it equally.”

Leslie glanced down the hallway. “I guess we should head back before they come looking for us.”

Tag nodded. He started to go around her in the hallway when a woman exited the ladies’ room and bumped into him. Tag pitched toward Leslie, catching himself by bracing his arms on the wall on either side of Leslie.

“Sorry,” the woman said and hurried away.

Tag wasn’t sorry. He was right where he’d always wanted to be…his Copyright 2016 - 2024