The Billionaire Matchmaker Test (Billionaire Online Dating Service #5) - Elle James Page 0,13

best friend’s happiness. Though he’d been a third wheel on the trip, he was still glad he’d gone. He’d loved Randy, too. As a brother.

“Must love cats,” Leslie entered.

“Cats?” Tag shook his head. “Since when do you love cats?”

“I’ve always loved cats. Randy wouldn’t let me have one in the house,” Leslie said. “He said he was allergic. I think he just didn’t like them.”

Tag made a note to include cats as a preference for his alter ego. He didn’t have a problem with cats, but he preferred dogs.

“What about dogs?”

“Must love dogs. But most men do,” Leslie shook her head. “Unfortunately, cats can be a deal-breaker for some men. I want my man to be open to felines.”

“Fair enough,” Tag said. “I like cats, especially the ones that live in my barn and keep the mouse population down.”

“See? That’s what I love about you,” she said. “You’re open to the possibilities.”

Whew, Tag thought. He’d dodged the cat bullet.

“Preferences in looks…” Leslie stared at the screen. “I really don’t think looks matter all that much. It’s what’s on the inside that I care about.”

“What if he’s bald?” Tag ran a hand through his thick hair.

Leslie’s gaze followed his hand. “I think most bald men look sexy.”

“Eye color?”

She shook her head. “Doesn’t matter to me.”

“In shape?”

“Again,” she touched a hand to her chest, “it’s what’s inside that matters.”

“You have to narrow it down a little. You know the way this system works.” Tag frowned. “Age?”

“Okay, he has to be at least twenty-eight, but I don’t mind if he’s older than I am,” Leslie said. “Older, more mature men can be very sexy.”

“Over eighty?”

She smiled. “I’m willing to give it a shot. My grandfather was a very handsome and spry eighty-year-old.”

“You’d date your grandfather?” Tag asked, wrinkling his nose.

Leslie sighed. “I don’t know. What matters is, that he’s kind to animals and people, and that he likes to travel. I don’t mind if he drives fast, as long as he’s considerate on the highway. No road rage. Austin has some serious traffic issues. I couldn’t stand to be stuck in a vehicle with a man who blows a gasket every time he’s met with a delay in traffic.”

Tag raised a hand. “That rules out a lot of guys, including me.”

Leslie laughed. “You never get mad.”

“Not with you in the vehicle.” He winked. “I don’t get mad. It doesn’t get me there any faster. If I want to be somewhere at a certain time, I consider the time of day and the traffic patterns.”

Tag turned to his monitor and clicked the keyboard. “Must love driving in the country.”

“Right?” Leslie chuckled. “Any time I can get outside of the city, I’m happy.”

“Me too.”

Leslie turned to her monitor. “Likes to cook.”

“I can grill a mean steak and chicken breast,” Tag said. “Likes to stay home and watch old movies.”

“I love old movies,” Leslie said. “They have some of the best dialogue.”

“I was thinking about the old westerns,” Tag drawled.

“Even those had good dialogue,” Leslie said. “I love a good Hepburn and Tracy movie.” She sighed. “But I don’t just like the oldies. I like a good action adventure or superhero movie. They’re just fun.”

“I remember you loved the latest Avengers movie,” Tag said.

She nodded. “Thanks for taking me. You always seem to know just what I need in the way of entertainment. I think I was feeling down that day. The movie was just what I needed to lift my spirits.”

Tag dipped his head. “Glad I could help.”

Leslie’s mouth twisted. “I feel so comfortable going to a movie with you. It won’t be the same with a stranger. I’d feel awkward if he put his arm around me.”

“True,” he said. “I never know if holding hands on a first date is too much too soon, or not enough too late.” Tag chuckled. “And do I kiss her on the first date, or wait for the second or third date?”

Leslie snorted. “Some women would go for the whole enchilada on the first date.” She frowned. “That doesn’t mean you have to.”

He held up his hands. “I don’t plan on it. This is supposed to be an effort to find a life mate, not a one-night stand, right?”

She nodded. “That’s right. Although some people are only looking for a date. That was Sean and Ava. They only wanted a decent date and look what they got. The whole package.” She sighed. “They’re perfect for each other.”

Tag covered her hand on the mouse. “You’re going to find someone Copyright 2016 - 2024