Billionaire Bodyguard - Kendra Mei Chailyn Page 0,29

In fact, my heart raced inside my chest.

I dropped my beer bottle in the recycle bin, then made my way into the living room. Tianna was now on her back, the blanket down to her hips. Her shirt had shifted, exposing more of one breast. I brushed it with a knuckle, and she moaned. She didn’t wake up, even after I tugged the blanket from her body, knelt at her feet and spread her legs.

Tianna moaned my name.

My tongue found her wet and ready. I wasn’t sure what her dream was about, but I was certain it was a hot one. I sucked on her clit, feeling it pulse gently on my tongue as she dripped down my chin. She whispered my name, her fingers found my hair and I lifted my head to see she was awake.

“Maksim, Kujo is here.” She panted but was already pushing my head back between her luscious thighs.

“He’s taking a nap.” I told her. “The only way he’ll hear is if you scream.”

“I won’t scream.”

“Challenge accepted!”

“Hermes that wasn’t a—”

I curled my tongue around her clit then sucked it into my mouth.

“Mmm! Don’t stop!”

Tianna Sharp

I wished we had eyes in the club. The fact Knight was going in alone bothered me. He was a stranger to me, someone who shouldn’t have had to do any of this. But again, my brother was an idiot, and this was what my life had come to.

I wanted Knight to have backup—just in case of anything. But Hermes, Knight and Kujo all agreed it was better not to have anything suspicious on him. Knight felt it would be easy enough for a trained eye to recognize a hidden camera.

Not knowing what was happening drove me crazy. I paced the living room until Kujo helped me into one of the seats.

But that didn’t last.

Hermes excused himself to tackle a business call. I realized then for all the wealth I saw around him, I wasn’t really sure what he did for his month. It also dawned on me I was once again left alone with one of Montana’s friends. The first time, I pretended to be asleep until I truly fell asleep. This time, I was too buzzed to actually sleep.

“What?” I asked when his eyes followed me one way then the next.

“I don’t trust you.” Kujo spoke honestly.


“With Hermes.” He explained. “I don’t trust you.”

“What are you talking about?” I demanded.

“Really?” Kujo scoffed. “Come on. Only a blind man wouldn’t see the way you look at him.”

“He’s also a grown man!” I reminded him. “I’m sure he doesn’t need you to protect him.”

“Then who will?”


It was the kind of quiet I was pretty sure happened before the world ended.

“This is ridiculous!” I snapped. “It was a lifetime ago.”

Kujo cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Don’t what me.” I told him. “I heard what you just said. Plus, I’ve seen the way you look at me. Yes, Montana and I dated. Yes, I was an idiot, but there is only so many times I can apologise before it starts meaning nothing.”

He sat in the overstuffed chair like a king on a thrown and levelled his gaze on me. “I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to.” I tossed my hands up as I paced one way then the next. “And I like Hermes. I really do. I won’t let you ruin this for me.”

“I’m not the one you should be worried about ruining this, Tianna.” Kujo told me. “My question is this. Have you learned from the past, or is Hermes just another toy for you?”’

My first instinct was to slap him. I wanted to slap him so hard he saw stars. I wanted to slap him until my hands were tired and the world turned from darkness to light. But I sat on my hands and glared at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Whatever you want it to mean.”

Kujo’s accusations were infuriating.

“You have a record of hurting the people I care about.” He pointed out. “I don’t want it happening again. I’m sure you get that.”

“People? I hurt one person—a gazillion years ago!” I whispered hoarsely. “And yes, I’m quite aware it was wrong. But both he and I have moved on from that. No one seems to be able to let it go except the person I hurt. I’ve made amends with Montana. He’s with someone else and happy. It’s not fair to ask me to pay for that one mistake with the rest of my life.”

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