Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,99

kids. When we’d take naps as cubs. Just be careful not to claw up the bedspread.”

Eric laughed under his breath and waited until Lydia was comfortable again before hopping off the bed and shifting into his bear form. For once, it seemed like his bear was only peaceful and content as he climbed up on the bed that creaked under his weight. The bed was, mercifully, a king size, at least. Though he still had to curl up carefully atop the covers so as not to push Lydia off the bed. Lydia remained in her human form and she curled up against him, humming happily as her fingers sank into the thickness of his fur.

“This is how it should be,” Lydia murmured, “always.”



Three months later…

The afternoon was crisp and cool and a gust of wind made Lydia shiver as she jogged across the campus of Black Bear Lake Community College. Her last class for the day had been cancelled and as much as she was enjoying her first quarter of school, she was excited to catch Eric just as he was getting off work. The bus that stopped off near the lodge was just about to pull out as she veered around a manicured hedge and muttered apologies to the couple she nearly mowed over. But she made it and climbed up the bus stairs, flashing her bus pass as she caught her breath, her cheeks rosy from the cold.

It was spring in Black Bear Lake.

The bus ride was short and she barely had time to get distracted by her book - a thriller about an art thief - before she was hopping up again, smiling in thanks to the bus driver as she disembarked, readjusting the straps of her backpack as she headed up the short hill to the grand entrance of The Black Bear Lake Lodge.

It was no longer the busiest season at the lodge. But there were still guests frequenting the place. When winter turned to spring, the snowy mountain peaks became lustrous green forests and humans and shifters alike still came from miles around to stay at the resort, if only to stare at the beautiful views while sipping their cocktails on the patio before heading off for spa treatments. The pools were heated and and the tennis courts were bustling. There were also bike tours, guided hikes, and kayaking on the lake itself. The lodge wasn’t booked to capacity as it was so often in winter, but it was still doing a brisk bit of business.

“Hey, Tom!” Lydia grinned at the bell man who stood at the door and tipped his cap to her. The sliding doors opened automatically and Lydia swept in.

After just a few months, she was pretty sure she’d managed to meet nearly everyone who worked at the lodge. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and Lydia grabbed it. She’d already texted Eric to let him know she was off early.

Late lunch in the dining hall- come!

Lydia nodded to herself and turned on her heel, heading off to the dining hall. The Strauss brothers often ate in the kitchen, usually with Nathan’s mate, Alanna, in attendance. But, apparently, today was special as they were all sitting around a big table by a window that looked out on the lake in the distance.

Everyone at the table waved as Lydia neared and she felt that now familiar and almost nervous flutter in her heart approaching this new family.

There were still times, even after three happy months with Eric, where she felt she didn’t belong with someone like Eric Strauss. Her childhood had been rough, at best. She was distant enough from her own parents that she hadn’t so much as spoken to them in two years. But oddly, even though they came from such different backgrounds, Eric’s relationship with his own parents wasn’t so far off.

“My brothers and I always felt closer to each other than to my parents,” Eric had told her just a few weeks ago. “That’s why it always made me crazy that you thought you didn’t fit in with us. We didn’t even fit in with us.” It had made her laugh but it also made her love him even more.

“Come, sit,” Eric said. He hopped to his feet, kissing her cheek when she came over. “We have fresh sea bass. Cody worked a miracle again.”

“I love bass,” Lydia said, still a little out of breath from hurrying over from the bus. She spotted Alanna across from her and threw Copyright 2016 - 2024