Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,56

get it. It’s always scary to meet the right person, someone who knows you so intimately, someone you can laugh with and be your truest self with…”

Lydia, Eric thought

No, a more rational part of his brain said. That had been what Lydia used to be. That was something he wanted back, but it was most likely gone. They were probably destined to be distant adult-type friends. There had been a time when they could literally read each other’s minds. But that was all gone now.

Eric clenched his jaw and shook off the dark thought.

“I see you’re struggling with this,” Michelle said. “Please let me in.”

She gazed into his eyes, her brow furrowed. But Eric didn’t see the warmth and kindness he’d expected there. Instead, he saw...nothing. She sounded like someone who cared and her mouth formed a soft smile. But none of it reached her eyes.

It felt oddly like a lie and Eric got that creepy feeling slithering up his spine again and pulled away. “This isn’t what you think it is,” Eric said, pushing her hand away. “If you need to ask me questions, I get it. I’m really sorry if I hurt you. But I’m… This is over.” He had to be firm, he decided. Even if it felt cruel. “It just doesn’t feel right. So...if you don’t want to talk.” He got to his feet and he saw a flash of hot anger in those formerly blank eyes. “I should go.”

“Why are you throwing this away?” Michelle leapt to her feet. He was already halfway to the door but it was hard not to think he was being unfair. He clenched his jaw and turned to face her. “This is not part of the... “ She took a deep breath and her increasingly agitated demeanor disappeared suddenly. She sauntered up to him and her eyes widened. “Don’t you see how good we are together? I know you do. What is it you’re looking for? I can prove to you it’s me.”

She started to wrap her arms around him and inwardly, he dug his heels in. “It’’s not you, it’s me.” He winced even as he said it. “It’s over. I really wanted it to work. I tried. But I don’t feel the same. I really am sorry. If you’re not going to accept this, I have to go.”

“Eric, I won’t accept this and someday you’ll thank me for that!”

She was like an octopus. Her arms seemed to be everywhere and it took him an awkward few moments to extricate himself before he made it out the door, leaving her glaring at him.

He was starting to think there might be something wrong with Michelle.

“Good thing I’m out of it,” he muttered, checking his phone.

Another hour, and he would see Lydia again.

Something about Michelle gave Eric a bad feeling. It was hard not to think that as much as he wanted things to be over, they were not quite over.

But he refused to think about it now as he waited in one of the private dining halls for Lydia to show up. All his happiest memories of their past together swam through his head; all the times they’d spend days together as bears off in the woods when she wanted to get away from her family and he wanted to get away from his brothers for a while. Or, when they’d helped each other get better at fishing in rivers because Eric’s brothers joked he couldn’t fish to save his life. Wrestling in the snow. Sneaking off to see movies. All the times he’d treated Lydia to this or that because she was dirt poor. She never wanted to talk about it. He knew that was a reason why she preferred to hang out with him in bear form. When they were bears, the money didn’t matter. But when they were kids in human form, he could see the holes in her shoes and the patches on her coat.

From what he could tell, she was no better off now. He was relieved that she’d taken the suite and the gift cards. At least, she could get herself some nice new clothes and treat herself for a while.

“Eric!” Lydia's voice rang out, light and sweet. He took a sip of his highball and looked up at her as she approached their table. He lost his breath a little.

Eric had not thought that Lydia looked bad when she’d shown up at the lodge. He had thought she seemed tired and a Copyright 2016 - 2024