Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,47

that kind of news.

“Just tell me now,” Nathan said.

“Nathan,” Alanna said warningly. He could be very impatient, she had discovered. But she liked that about him. It made him seem boyish.

“Alanna…” He was mimicking her, but his smile was so bright, she couldn’t even be annoyed.

“Alright, I’m pregnant!” Alanna said, throwing up her hands.

“Holy shit!”

Alanna heard Alex behind her and she spun around only to be swallowed up in a hug. He had taken a job at the lodge in Cody’s kitchen, finding himself talented at following instructions when it came to cooking. Alanna had imagined that Alex who, like her, had never settled anywhere for more than a couple months, wouldn’t want to settle at Black Bear Lake. But all she saw was a happy younger brother who got along with her mate and his family. Whenever she thought about where she was now and what she had in her life, Alanna got choked up.

“You’re gonna be an uncle,” Alanna said, laughing as she hugged her brother.

The Strausses were all high fiving Nathan who looked as proud as a peacock. Their eyes met and he mouthed, I love you.

“You too,” Alanna said, over her brother’s shoulder.

She was home.



* * *

Lydia is the only bear shifter I’ve ever loved. She’s the only woman I’ve ever wanted, and her betrayal still stings.

* * *

She left me without as much as a goodbye. I didn’t think I could forgive her for crushing my heart, for not saying anything before she left. And I definitely didn’t think I’d see her again, much less at the Black Bear Lake Lodge.

* * *

Lydia isn’t innocent. Those gorgeous eyes are hiding a secret. She has an agenda, or else she wouldn’t be back. I need to find out what it is, and if it has anything to do with my past. The part of my past that I’d rather forget. Lydia might be here on a mission, but I know her heart is pure.

* * *

What we had… was real. What I see in her eyes… is real. Her return will either heal my heart or lead to my ultimate destruction. Well, what’s it going to be?

* * *




“It’s cold out there!” The guest, still shivering and laughing as he stood in front of Eric and dusted snow off his parka, was not a bear shifter. That was fine, but it was something Eric always inwardly noted with guests. The Black Bear Lake Lodge was so popular with bear shifters who came traveling from all over the world to ski and snowboard or just sip hot toddies before going on runs in the thick woods up the mountain, that human guests were just this side of unusual. As the lodge’s concierge, Eric had a slightly different way of interacting with them. There was an understanding with other bear shifters and a shorthand. Human guests were just a little pickier and harder to please.

In Eric’s experience, they were also giant dorks.

Eric smiled widely at the guest and said, “It sure is. I hope the powder was good?”

“Oh yeah! Great snowboarding! Ha ha!” The human’s family appeared - three daughters and a harried looking wife, and they whirled away from the front desk and into the newly renovated dining hall as it filled up for lunch. Lunch was Cody’s job.

There were four Strauss brothers and they all ran the Black Bear Lake Lodge together, having bought it out in equal shares after finding themselves to be young and energetic bear shifters with too much money on their hands. Connor was the oldest and the alpha of their little sleuth. He ran the place as administrator. Eric was the youngest and served as concierge, handling all the guests’ requests and demands, even some that seemed ridiculous. Cody was the chef and ran the kitchen with an iron fist, and Nathan was the handyman (though he usually ended up filling more roles than that).

Nathan had lately been a hard bear shifter to find around the lodge, having met his mate, Alanna, who was pregnant with his cub now. They were still in their honeymoon period and their happiness made everything around the lodge seem brighter.

The thick of winter was hitting the ski lodge and with it, the busiest season. Families were making their ski trips just before Christmas and the snow was hitting the mountain hard. The lodge was solidly booked and that was good news, considering that some recent shenanigans with a troublesome shifter named Rawley who had gone Copyright 2016 - 2024