Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,45

towards them, roaring loud enough to raise the dead as he headed towards Rawley.

He hadn’t listened to her. He hadn’t saved himself. Her heart swelled and at the same time, she felt a flash of indignant rage at her mate as she reared up on her hind legs, roaring at Rawley instead. The strength she needed to confront him was catalyzed by her anger at Nathan.

If a bear could look shocked, Rawley did. Just for a second, he was too surprised to strike, even though he was five times her size. He hadn’t expected a fight from her.

It was as if they’d all planned it ahead of time. Nathan and Alanna tackled Rawley to the floor and even two against one, it was not an easy fight against a bear of Rawley’s size. He took a swipe at Nathan and Alanna saw blood. But Nathan managed to get a chunk of Rawley’s neck between his teeth and Alanna got a good grip on his legs to hold him still.

And suddenly he went still.

The gunshots had died down. Alanna heard a bear struggling and, frightened, she looked up only to see one of Rawley’s men hurt and limping out the door. Everyone else on his side was either a dead bear on the floor or had fled. Alanna shook her head and sat back just as Nathan let go of Rawley’s neck. He’d sunk his teeth in deep and half ripped out Rawley’s throat and blood was still gushing out on the floor, staining the nice plush carpet that Connor had picked out himself.

But Rawley was still. His eyes were lifeless. He was the biggest bear Alanna had ever seen, and now he was dead. She had fantasized about it so many times. She felt like she was in a dream as she stared down at his corpse, unmoving on the floor.

“Connor?” Nathan said once he’d shifted back into human form. His side was bleeding through his shirt as he staggered to his feet. Alanna’s stomach turned at the sight and she rushed to him. “Where’s Eric and Cody?”

The rest of the Strauss brothers appeared as Eric crawled out from underneath another dead bear and Connor jogged in from the kitchen where he’d chased down one of Rawley’s henchmen. Cody had a bad scratch on his leg that needed seeing too, but he sat down at one of the half-demolished tables in the dining room and drank a glass of bourbon left behind by one of Rawley’s men.

“You need a hospital,” Alanna said, kissing Nathan’s cheek. But he turned his head quickly and she met his mouth instead.

“We’ll take care of him,” Connor, said nodding. When he looked in the direction of the trunk now hidden under a table and out of the way of the chaos, Alanna gasped.

“Alex!” She ran and slid on her knees. Alex was stirring, curled up in the trunk as Eric helped her pull the trunk out. Alex managed to open his eyes and cast her a soft smile. His shaggy, dark hair was bloody and matted, stuck to his face. He was too pale and he was bruised and beaten-up. He needed a hospital as much as Nathan. But he was alive. That was all Alanna could think as she helped her brother climb out of his tiny cage.

“Hey, sis,” Alex whispered, once they had him sitting in a chair. “Told you to save yourself.”

“Yeah, well.” She shrugged. “I don’t listen.”

“Neither do I,” Nathan rasped. He winced, leaning heavily on a table. “Sorry. I never will.”

Alanna felt tears behind her eyes and she kissed his cheek. “I guess I can get used to that. My brilliant mate.”

The dining hall had been demolished. There were dead bears everywhere. Her brother was hurt and her mate was still bleeding. But when Nathan kissed her and whispered his love in her ear, Alanna felt a kind of peace she’d never felt before.

“Everything’s going to be alright now,” he said. And this time, she believed it.



Two months later...

“Did you see the piece in Colorado Weekly?” Connor was grinning. It was the first time in a couple of weeks that Nathan had seen him looking so relaxed as he sat at the kitchen island, scarfing down French toast.

“I saw it!” Alanna said. She sat down across from him and Cody patted her on the shoulder, setting a plate full of pancakes in front of her with a coffee before she even had to ask. “Thank goodness, right? I know you Copyright 2016 - 2024