Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,4

away from family and all the obligations he’d thought came with it. He’d been young then, wild and more than a bit rebellious. He’d spent some years in the wilderness making trouble and doing some things he’d never confessed to anyone (mostly due to falling in with an asshole of a bear named Rawley). But after that, he’d come home for good.

To their credit, his brothers had never begrudged his time away from them. Not even Connor had been angry. It was as if they all understood that he had needed to see what was out there in the great beyond before he returned. After that, he’d never wanted to leave his family again. And as it turned out, playing handyman for the luxurious resort they now ran in Big Bear Lake was his dream job.

The lodge was right there on the mountain, surrounded by glorious woods where he could run and fish and play with his brothers in his bear form. It also boasted four luxury suites in the east wing, one for each of them. Best of all, he considered handyman to be the easiest job at the lodge because things didn’t break down badly very often. In cold weather, the pipes were the biggest problem. He did some maintenance here and there, but the rest of the time, he was usually fixing something minor or waiting around to be told what to do next or helping out his brothers if they needed it. But for the most part, he had run of the place. He couldn’t have asked for anything better.

“Oh, before I forget,” Erica said, tapping his fingers on the laptop. “There’s a busted bathroom sink in twenty-seven and it’s just been booked.”

“I’m on it. Pipes are all fucked up stuff. Usually, just have to run hot water through em’. But I’ll check it.”

“Alright.” Eric nodded. “You want to go on a run tonight? I know you like night runs when you think you might freeze to death.”

“Yeah!” Nathan said. “Sounds good. See if we can wrench Connor away from his office and Cody from the kitchen?”

“Cool cool.” Eric got to his feet, taking his coffee and Nathan’s laptop. “See ya later.”

“Yep.” Nathan gave himself a few more minutes to drink the rest of his coffee and read the local paper on his phone. He still hated reading from a screen, but the hard copy of the newspaper always went missing as soon as it reached him.

“Wish I was Amish,” Nathan muttered.

Finally, he got to his feet and headed off to the maintenance stock room at the back of the lodge to grab his tool belt. He had no other work orders yet today but he didn’t like to laze about too much, especially with bookings picking up for their busiest season. He planned to check up on the gondola and look at the recent inspection report. They’d never failed to pass inspection but if the report mentioned things like even slightly worn parts or dirty windows, he wanted to check them out himself.

Nathan whistled tunelessly as he headed upstairs to Room 27, a spring in his step because he liked the busy season and all the people around, even when they were demanding or a little ridiculous. He found it all fairly entertaining and he wasn’t in charge of enough business at the lodge to stress about anything. That was Connor’s job.

“Hey, Nathan!”

“Nathan! Good to see you again!”

“How’s the season been so far, Nathan?”

There were a lot of regular guests at the lodge. They always seemed to want to talk to him and he was happy to oblige.

When the Strauss brothers had bought it, the Black Bear Lodge had been functional at best but nothing very special. But together, they’d turned it into one of the most popular and luxurious ski resorts in Colorado, always popping up in Top Five lists on travel sites alongside Aspen resorts.

The place as sprawling and boasted any amenity a visitor with some money in their pocket might possibly want. They had powder almost year-round, hot springs, an indoor pool, a full spa with saunas and a gym. They even had a shopping promenade with so many well-stocked vendors that the brothers themselves rarely needed to go into town. The food was gourmet quality all under the supervision of Cody Strauss, who took food very seriously.

But what Nathan liked best about the lodge was that, despite its obvious luxury, the place felt homey. At least to him. The old fashioned Copyright 2016 - 2024