Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,34

to John. He was using his concierge’s voice. It was calm and solicitous. He sounded like someone who was only too happy to help you. There was not even a hint of a threat as he clasped his hands in front of him. “Sir? Perhaps I can be of assistance.”

Eric’s concierge act did seem to calm John down a little, though he kept looking at Nathan suspiciously. He took a deep breath and said, “I’m just trying to find my girlfriend, alright?”

Nathan shook his head with a snort of derision.

Girlfriend, my ass.

“Is she missing?” Eric said.

“She was coming down here to shop,” John said. “She was supposed to be back in the room by now. I dunno where she’s run off to but when I find her...”

“When you find her what?” Nathan said. He hadn’t intended to speak at all, but he was crawling out of his skin with the desire to fight.

“Oh,” John laughed and he bared his teeth, marching up to Nathan. “What is this? Why are you so interested in Alanna?”

“Nathan,” Eric said slowly. “Wait for Connor to get here.”

John scowled at him. “What the hell is going on here?”

“We ask the questions!” Nathan barked.

“Everybody shut the fuck up.” That was Connor, suddenly appearing in the store and still catching his breath. He must have run all the way to the promenade from his office. His glare was trained on John, still standing toe to toe with Nathan. “You’re going to want to step away from my brother,” Connor said in a low voice.

Nathan rolled his eyes. “I can take this asshole with my hands behind my back.”

“Oh,” John said, grinning at him. “You got a hard-on for Alanna. Sure, I get it. Now you’re gonna save her from the big bad man? And you brought your brothers along to help you? Jesus Christ, that girl is dead when I find her.”

There was no question of Nathan holding back now. He didn’t shift. Suddenly, his hands were on John and he was knocking a rack of delicate white dresses to the floor with a clatter as he shoved the man up against a full-length wall mirror.

“I know who you work for,” Nathan hissed in his face. He had a good hold, but John was bigger than him at close to Connor’s size and he did have a lot of muscle on his frame. “I used to work for him too. I don’t know what kinda bullshit you’ve wrapped this girl up in but I will end your life and Rawley’s if—”

John just laughed and Nathan punched him hard in the stomach. It was satisfying to see him gasp and hunch over. He’d knocked the wind right out of him. “He’ll kill you,” John said, wheezing. “You fuck with one of his mates and he’ll kill you.”

“She’s not one of his mates,” Nathan hissed. He wasn’t sure how he knew this exactly. Only that it seemed completely impossible. He knew otherwise.

Because his bear kept insisting that she was his mate and he wanted to believe it.

“Not yet,” John said, leering at him. He looked so giddy about the whole thing. “She will be. He usually gets what he wants. He saw her, he wanted her. Kept her locked up till she flew the coop. If she ran again? Well, Rawley’s got her brother. So much for him. He’s fuckin’ dead.”


“Nathan,” Connor said, in that alpha older brother tone of his. “Step back.”

Nathan growled at that and then realized he was shaking with anger. It was taking every little bit of self-control he possessed not to shift and tear the guy apart. But, narrowing his eyes and curling his lip in derision, he stepped back from John, who only snickered and straightened his collar.

“What are you gonna do, big guy?” John snapped, though his sneer collapsed a bit as Connor walked up to him. Connor had a good few inches on the guy. Nathan had to smile when John almost immediately demurred. He probably didn’t even realize he was doing it. He just ducked his head slightly. It was like unconsciously submitting to Connor who was backed up by two formidable bears on the off chance John really gave him a fight. “You’re comin’ with me, asshole.”

Connor took him by the arm. Nathan glanced over his shoulder and saw that they’d attracted just a little attention. Guests were clustering on the promenade and Eric was smoothing things over as always. “Nathan?” Connor nodded at him.

“I’m gonna go find her,” Copyright 2016 - 2024