Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,31

wanted the other to save themselves, they were bound to comply. It made Alanna want to tear her own skin off, but she had to agree. It was all a part of having only had each other after their parents had died. They couldn’t watch each other get hurt too. If one could save the other, they would do it.

John seemed relaxed, having finished his breakfast. He wrapped up his phone-call with Rawley and Alanna made herself a strong screwdriver to give herself some nerve before she went ahead with the sliver of a plan she had in her head.

She changed into warm clothes, but she tried not to be obvious about it. A sweater over a warm undershirt and jeans with boots. Hopefully, she’d end up shifting anyway. Her bear didn’t need a parka.

“I’m worried about my dress.”

John was on the couch, watching a football game on TV and Alanna stood back in the shadows, wringing her hands. He was drinking another highball and only grunted in response.

“You said it was really important that I pick out new dresses downstairs to wear for Rawley but I couldn’t decide and now you won’t let me leave.” She bounced on her toes. “I...I swear all I was going to do last night was watch the sunrise. I’m sorry I lied. But I’m not saying don’t come with me, you could come with me if you don’t trust me.”

“Fucking hell,” John grumbled, rolling his eyes. “Fine, go get the damn dresses. I’m not missing this game. If you’re not back in an hour...”

“I’ll be back,” Alanna said, nodding.

“Guess they worked your brother over pretty good.” He leered at her and she ducked her head, putting on her best show of seeming chastened.

“Yeah,” Alanna said. “They did.”

“Go,” he snapped. “Clock starts now.”

Alanna nodded and every movement felt deliberate as she walked out of the room and shut the suite door behind her. The plan, if one existed, was that she run off and hope to hell that Alex was also able to escape. She would go to Crockett River. There was no guaranteeing that was part of it, but if Alex was ever going to meet her anywhere, it would be Crockett River. And if he didn’t get away…

Don’t think about that.

They’d made a pact and it hurt her to agree to its terms. But she would’ve never forgiven Alex if the shoe was on the other foot.

She headed downstairs and through the lobby, out towards the promenade, keeping an eye out for Nathan the whole time. Just seeing him would make her feel stronger. But there was no sign of him and Alanna couldn’t afford to wait around. She walked quickly and confidently all the way through the promenade, bypassing the dress shop and heading towards the back entrance that let out toward the slopes and the forest beyond.

Her heart pounded as she followed a small crowd of guests all wearing skiing gear and carrying their poles and skis outside. Nobody looked twice at her. But she headed toward the woods, walking as quickly as she could without running and bringing too much attention to herself since no one else was wandering into the thick woods way out behind the lodge.

She estimated that by the time she reached the woods, about fifteen minutes had passed since she’d left room 27. Once safe in the thicket of trees, she shifted and began to run. Bears weren’t the fastest animals in the world, but they were a lot faster than they looked and shifters were much faster than regular bears.

It felt so good to be back in her bear form in her natural environment, her great paws tramping through the powdery snow as she barreled through the forest, heading only away if nowhere specific yet. It felt like being alive.



Nathan wasn’t surprised when he woke up without Alanna in his bed. She’d run from his kiss and even though coming to his room had seemed like more than just an impulse, she was scared and skittish. He didn’t hold it against her. Besides which, he had lied. Maybe he hadn’t told her any lies but he knew too much now. If she’d known he’d ever had an association with Rawley, surely she would have run from him too. He felt guilty about it, but tried to tell himself that he’d made her feel good and safe during the night they’d shared. Maybe that made up for something.

Nathan couldn’t say he had a plan as Copyright 2016 - 2024