Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,22

skimpy camisole, courtesy of Rawley’s mini-wardrobe he’d sent. Alanna at least thought to grab one of the fluffy terry cloth robes from the bathrobe and then she crept over to the door of John’s bedroom and her ears perked up, listening for anything other than snores. It sounded like he was dead to the world alright. She didn’t dare open the door to check, for fear of waking him up.

Alanna didn’t really think about anything as she rushed down the hallway to the elevator where she pressed the button for floor three.

The Black Bear Lake Lodge was a lot bigger than it had seemed. She kept getting lost as she made her way to the fringes of the east wing where the Strauss brothers who ran the lodge apparently lived. If nothing else, it was kind of fun to wander the hall in the middle of the night. She crossed a catwalk that passed a massive glass wall and stopped for a moment, looking out on the view of the snowy mountains, the moon was full and bright. Things felt surreal this late while she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to as if the moon was shining just for her.

That was when she saw him.

She never figured out, even much later, how she knew it was Nathan bounding down the bunny slope in his bear form. He was far away out in the snow. It wasn’t as if she could catch his scent. But she was so certain it was him, that she found herself smiling, and when he shifted into this human form and she was proven right, she gasped a little. She stood there for a few minutes, watching Nathan jog through the snow in the dead of night, finally disappearing into a back entrance. He would be back in his suite soon. If she hadn’t seen him out the window, she might have missed him.

Alanna waited a while, watching the moonlight glitter over the snow and giving Nathan time to get back before she went on to find his suite. That took several more minutes as she got lost again. Finally, she stood in front of his door: A3.

Alanna could smell him through the door and just that brought back the memory of his sweltering kiss, how it had felt to be held by somebody so strong yet tender.

Alanna knocked on the door and waited.



Once Alanna had flipped out on him, Nathan left the dress shop and made his way to Connor’s office to have it out if necessary. He nodded at passing guests, the regulars who knew him by sight. But his smile was a tight line and he kept clenching and unclenching his fists, wanting so badly to hurt whoever had hurt Alanna.

Connor spent a lot of his time during the day in his huge corner office that had almost as good of a view of the slopes and mountains as the priciest suites at the lodge. But he spent nearly as much time out in the lobby chatting with guests or conducting his business from the dining hall, the lounge, behind Eric’s check-in desk, or even back in the kitchen with Cody. Because Connor loved the Black Bear Lake Lodge and he liked to be out in it instead of always stuck back in his office. So, Nathan texted Connor on the way to his office while keeping an eye out for his brother as he walked.

Need to talk, he wrote. Where r u?

Connor texted back that he was indeed in his office. Good. Everything felt urgent because Alanna had looked at him with those big eyes and started crying and he didn’t know what to do about it.

Nathan didn’t bother to knock. He barged into Connor’s office, not sparing his brother so much as a glance before heading to the coffee maker in the kitchenette, grumbling as he made a fresh pot.

“What’s up?” Connor said. He was sitting back in his throne of a black leather desk chair and for the millionth time, Nathan thought it was stupid that his desk faced away from the giant windows with the beautiful view.

Nathan waited until he had his cup of coffee just the way he liked it and Connor, to his credit, didn’t bug him to come out with it already. He could be impatient with people where business was concerned or if he wanted something. But when it came to his brothers, Connor was willing to give them time and listen. Nathan had Copyright 2016 - 2024