Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,190

turned on the engine as nonchalantly as he possibly could, but the two alphas were far too wrapped up in each other to notice him as he pulled out of the parking space. He took one last look through the side mirror and caught Connor leaning through the driver’s window to kiss Brooke. Vince balked, gagging slightly. It really was disgusting to look at. But at least her little rendezvous was distracting her. There was no way she’d make it back to the pack, especially not before him, and the extra canoodling through the window only served to buy him even more time.

He drove back down the mountain with almost childlike glee. He’d known something was up, but for Brooke to betray the pack quite so spectacularly? No wonder she was so okay with the small territory and crappy hunting; she was selling the pack out for sex with another species. She was a traitor; the pack was as good as his.

The car screeched to a halt outside the shithole complex the pack called home. When he took charge, they’d move into that lodge. He would enjoy taking Connor Strauss’ suite from him. Vince could see himself being at home in those large, decked out rooms. All the perks; perfect for an alpha.

A few of the pups playing outside turned dumbstruck faces to him. Vince sneered at them before kicking open the car door and stepping out. He looked around, eyes settling on the hood of the car and clambering up so he could see the entire lot. The cubs continued to stare at him and Vince threw his hands wide.

“And the truth comes out!” He bellowed, revelling in the power his voice exuded. One by one, the shabby front doors were thrown open and the confused, irritable pack stepped out. Constant hunger made their fuses short. They gravitated towards him with the intensity of an angry mob. All Vince needed to do was direct that anger in the right direction. Sweat trickled down his back, the fabric sticking uncomfortably to his skin. Vince licked his lips, eyes roaming the crowd as he carefully planned his next words.

Carlo and Angela were the last to emerge, leaning against their respective doorways with their arms folded. Carlo’s eyes narrowed when he saw Vince standing on his car but Vince simply smiled.

“Your beloved Brooke has abandoned us! The traitorous bitch is living it up at the lodge, gorging herself on Strauss money while the rest of us fight for scraps on land that should belong to us!”

Dissent rippled through the rest of the pack. Carlo and Angela looked uneasy, but their concerns were drowned out by the rage of the other pack members, clamouring forward to hear more. Vince choked back a laugh and raised his voice to shout over them. “It’s true! I saw it with my own eyes. She’s nothing more than a little bitch, rolling over for their alpha now! She doesn’t care about us, only about saving herself.”

He looked out at a sea of angry wolf shifters and smiled, victory welling up within him.

“If we want to save ourselves, we have to get rid of those bears. And if Brooke has decided her loyalty lies with them?” Vince paused, savoring the words. “Then she has to go too.” Several of the pack looked unsure and Vince grit his teeth. “She doesn’t care about you; she’s made that clear. We need space, ample hunting grounds, and somewhere to live that doesn’t smell like cigarettes and mildew! I can make us the most fearsome pack in the whole state, but I have to know you are with me on this. We have strength in numbers! Together we can take on the sleuth and we can win. Are you with me?”

A cheer went up among the wolves. Angela and Carlo disappeared back into their apartments, sending him murderous looks over their shoulders, but Vince couldn’t find it in himself to care. What were three wolves against eighteen?



She hadn’t meant to fall asleep, she had to get back to the pack, but Connor’s bed was as soft as a cloud and far more pleasant than her own shitty mattress. Before she knew it, the sun was streaming in through the pale curtains. Brooke yawned, resisting the urge to turn over and go back to sleep. Connor’s arm was slung low over her hips, their legs entwined. She replayed the last twenty four hours and couldn’t stop the dopey smile that spread over her Copyright 2016 - 2024