Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,185

like this to dwindle our numbers?” He started pacing, feeling like a general preparing for war. “We were once a proud pack nearly a hundred strong, and then Brooke took charge and look at us now - barely two steps from poverty and still she assures us everything is fine.” He could see doubt creeping into the faces as they listened to his words.

“Brooke is weak. We’ve seen it. We have as much right to this land as anyone else and she rolls over for those bears like a little bitch.”

They couldn’t take their eyes off him, Vince watched as their confusion morphed into anger. And now for the big finish… “We need to strike now, while they think they’ve got us cornered! And we need to be ruthless!”

One of the boys stepped forward, glancing around shiftily. “What do you mean, ruthless?” he asked quietly.

Vince bared his teeth, his grin stretching and contorting into something far more feral. “I want you to kill any bear that crosses your path.”



When she arrived back at her apartment, Carlo and Angela were waiting for her. Brooke took one look at them, faces drawn and blood all over their clothes and felt her own blood run cold.

“What’s happened? Is everyone okay?” she asked frantically, voice high pitched.

Angela nodded. “Everyone that was injured has been patched up, they’re resting.”

Brooke sagged with relief. Stupid, she thought to herself. I should have been here sooner. She followed them into her apartment.

“Vince said you were there but you ran off.” Carlo said carefully. The pair watched her, eyes wary, and Brooke felt a surge of guilt.

“I was there,” she started, pouring herself a glass of whiskey at the kitchen counter. This whole situation threatened to turn her into an alcoholic. “I’ve been talking to Connor Strauss - thought I could convince him to stop the fighting. I told Vince to take everyone home since he wasn’t injured.”

Angela’s eyes narrowed. “I knew he was faking it. He came back limping and told everyone that you left them to fight alone.”

“I would never do that!”

“And we believe you - so did everyone else, but you need to tell everyone your side of the story.” Angela’s eyes said the apologies her mouth didn’t.

Brooke gulped down half her drink. She was tired and hungry and in desperate need of a shower. “Where are they now?”

“Most of them are out hunting,” Carlo shrugged.

Brooke nodded to herself. Vince was unstable, she knew that now. This needed to be taken care of as soon as possible. “Call me when everyone's back. I need to head back up to the lodge in an hour or so.”

“Do you really think you can trust them?” Angela asked, not unkindly.

A few weeks ago Brooke would have said no, not in a million years, but after everything she’d been through with Connor… she knew he would help them. “I trust Connor Strauss. Give me a chance to talk to him.”

Angela nodded and left. Carlo stepped up to the counter next to Brooke, taking another glass down from the cabinet above and filling both their glasses. Brooke watched him, anxious. Carlo was her cousin, her second in command. He had always trusted her judgement, but she knew this was a big ask.

“If you trust him, that’s good enough for me,” he said simply, lifting his glass.

Brooke smiled, relieved. “Thank you, Carlo.”

“Anytime, cuz,” he said, taking a sip. “Now go shower, you have leaves in your hair.”

She met Connor outside the lodge a few hours later. He wore a pair of scuffed jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt.

“It’s not fair,” she said in lieu of a greeting. “How do you look so good in everything?” Connor grinned in response, shrugging his shoulders.

“It’s a gift,” he said simply. “Ready for a run?”

Her wolf flexed her muscles, itching to let off steam. Brooke rolled her shoulders and smiled a wolfish grin.

“Oh I’m ready,” she said. “Question is, are you?”

“I’m always ready.”

“Oh, really?” Without giving him any more warning, she ran shifting mid-stride and landing on all fours. Scents assaulted her from all sides as she darted between the trees. She could hear Connor lumbering after her, a playful growl echoing around them.

Eventually he caught up with her, and they thundered through the woods side by side. He was magnificent, his size easily dwarfing her lean form. But, unlike when they fought, now she just saw the sheer restrained power thrumming through his body. His coat was black, and his claws glinted in the weak Copyright 2016 - 2024