Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,177

face though and quickly dissolved into snorting laughter. Connor flipped him off.

“How are the cubs?” he asked. Cody’s signature frown turned soft and Connor smiled at him. He was happy for him, for all his brothers. It was nice to see them happy with such sweet mates, even if it was weird to see Cody acting so soft.

“They’re a handful. And they all, Molly especially, just keep getting smarter and smarter. I can’t help them with homework anymore - it’s all fucking gibberish to me now.”

“Yeah well, I always knew you were too dumb to do math, that’s why Nathan’s the handyman and not you.”

Cody huffed. “Yeah, and it’s got nothing to do with the fact that Nathan can burn toast without a toaster.”

“He was twelve.”

“And he’s gotten stupider with every passing year,” Cody said sadly, shaking his head.

Connor snorted. His brothers, what a bunch of assholes.

As though he knew what Connor was thinking about, Cody threw a dish towel at him, “What’re you smiling about? It’s creepy.”

“You’re a dumbass,” Connor replied reflexively.

“Nope. Not buying it… hmmm?” Cody squinted, looking at him more closely, while Connor tried his best to ignore him and eat his mac and cheese. Suddenly, Cody’s face cleared. “You made a move on Brooke, didn’t you?”

“Shut up.”

“Oh my God, you did. Yes! Nathan owes me twenty bucks.”

Being laughed at was a new sensation, at least like this. This was usually Connor’s role: to taunt and tease and offer advice. Connor had to admit, it felt nice to be on the other side of the situation.

“Hey,” Cody continued. He was still grinning but he clapped a hand on Connor’s shoulder. “I’m not actually gonna be a dick about it - I’m happy for you, Connor. Seriously. I’ve noticed how mopey you’ve been the past year; it’s nice to see you happy.”

“Thanks.” He thought about Brooke in the changing room. The wolfish tinge to her scent still made him uneasy. “Uh, about Brooke…”

“Oh God, I’m going to have to listen to you go on and on about how hot she is, aren’t I? I am not drunk enough for that - can I get drunk in the middle of the day?” Connor glared and Cody quickly backtracked, hands up in surrender. “No, no, of course not, and I suppose you did hear me go on and on about Jessie, so it’s only fair…”

“It’s not about that. I saw her this morning at Cole’s and I smelled something off. You know, I asked you if you’d heard anything about fights in the forest?” Connor asked and Cody nodded. “Well, no one’s seen or heard anything but Brooke had these cuts on her arm. Plus, this morning I smelled wolf on her. I think there’s something going on with those wolves.”

“And you think Brooke might be involved? They might have ambushed her on her way home from work?” Cody asked.

Connor thought about it. It would explain the smell around her and the cuts, but why wouldn’t she tell him if she’d fought with the wolves? Did she not trust him to be able to help?

‘You really have no idea what it takes to look after people.’ Brooke’s words overlapped with Cody’s, adding to the growing anger inside him. His bear reared its head with a growl.

“Those wolves are getting too damn cocky.” He hadn’t seen any harm in letting a small wolf pack settle at the edge of the forest but they’d done nothing but cause trouble for him since they had arrived. They’d made him seem weak. He snarled.

“If they hurt Brooke I’ll tear them to pieces.” He stood up, pushing the finished bowl back towards Cody. “We need to make a stand, can’t have them thinking we’re pushovers. Get the others gathered by nightfall and meet me outside the front entrance, it’s time for a family hunt.”



Brooke was exhausted. Things had really picked up at Cole’s after Connor left, and now every time she blinked all she saw were brand names and shoe sizes. She smiled to herself as she approached her car. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this genuinely happy and untroubled. The pack hadn’t gotten into trouble for days - she seemed to have gotten through to Simon, Lucas and Carlo. They were good boys really, they just felt trapped. Brooke could understand that, but things would get better now. Connor was a good man and a good alpha - she just needed to think of a way to bring up the wolf Copyright 2016 - 2024