Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,164

Brooke shifted slightly in her seat, squirming as a throb of desire pulsed through her. Bear or not - asshole or not - Connor Strauss was dangerous. And Brooke still wanted him so much it was driving her crazy.

“Just- you need to be smarter about this. Be careful and stay out of their way-” All three of the younger wolves' hackles rose and Brooke snarled back in warning. “Let me finish! Just because I want you to be careful doesn’t mean I don’t want you to defend yourselves.”

She felt the familiar itch to shift and, mind made up, she climbed to her feet. If they wanted to turn her pack away from lands they didn’t have any claim to, well, what was that if not starting something? She was tired of standing down, rolling over, and letting everyone take what they wanted from her and her pack.

“Get your coats on, boys,” Brooke said quietly. “We’re going hunting.”



After Brooke left, Connor stayed in the bar to finish his brandy. He still felt confused as to what he’d said to make her walk out like that.

“We don’t talk, Connor. We fight.” She was right, there was no point in denying it. That’s how their relationship worked, but Connor had thought that was just their way. Arguing was something he was good at, growing up with three brothers had made him good at thinking on his feet and even better at taking a joke; he’d thought Brooke had felt the same way.

Thought or hoped?

Connor sighed. He was tired of fighting. He would always be there for his brothers, but seeing each of them find their mate, their harsh edges smoothing out as they settled down - it was something he longed for. He wanted someone to share his worries with, someone who understood how he felt and could make him truly happy. He wanted, more than anything, for Brooke to be that someone.

Two drinks later and the noise from the bar was starting to make his head pound. The last thing he needed in the morning was a hangover. Time for bed.

Connor only managed to get halfway to his suite before someone called his name. Connor sighed. So close. He turned, catching sight of Jack as he hurried up the stairs towards him. Jack was one of the older shifters employed around the lodge. He stopped in front of Connor, his usually happy and relaxed face tight with a frown.

“Hey Jack, what’s wrong?”

“Sorry to disturb you Connor, were you going to bed?”

Connor sighed but smiled. This was his job after all. “I was but it’s okay. What can I do for you?”

“Four wolves just crossed over into our territory. I saw them while I was working on the grounds.” Jack continued, “I know it’s only four, hardly an army, but they were howling like crazy. I reckon they were looking for a fight.”

Connor tensed. Fuck. This really was the last thing he needed. His bear reared its head and Conner growled. Maybe this is what he needed. All the frustration and confusion swirling around his head…“I’ll take care of it,” he said roughly, already itching to shift.

“I’ll go find your brothers-”

“No. I can handle it myself.” He didn’t want to involve his brothers if it wasn’t necessary. They had their mates to think about now, their cubs. Connor didn’t want anything to take that happiness away from any of them. He could handle this. Jack was looking at him in confusion and Connor shot him a feral smile. “It’s only a couple of wolves, Jack, I’ll go down and sort it out. We don’t want a turf war over this. Not if we can help it.”

Connor shifted as he reached the tree line, revelling in the feel of the cold wind rushing through his fur as he ran. He struggled to catch the wolves’ scent, still not used to a wolf’s smell. Connor slowed, ears pricked and scenting every few steps.

There. A few miles East - four wolves. The scent grew stronger by the second. They were moving fast towards the lodge. Connor’s fur prickled. That really was too close for comfort. He picked up the pace again, navigating through the trees effortlessly. He knew these forests like the back of his hand. He was certain he’d be able to cut the wolves off before they could reach Black Bear Lake Lodge.

Confusion was still spiraling through Connor’s mind. It didn’t make sense, what had set the wolves off? He knew their two species Copyright 2016 - 2024