Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,149

stand and five of them just sat in the van for a minute, silently glaring at the big old farmhouse in the distance that looked like it was about to crumble and which housed the cubs.

If they’ve hurt them...

The end of that sentence involved a lot of blood in Cody’s mind.

“We’re not going to be able to sneak up,” Connor mused. “We’ll have to shift and just run at em’. Ambush.”

“The house is at ground level,” Nathan said.

Everyone waited for him to expand further and when he didn’t, Eric prodded him. “And... ?”

“I mean there’s no porch and the foundation looks really shallow. There’s an incline down to it too.”

Connor said, “Where are you going with this?”

“We ram the house,” Nathan said. “Full speed down that incline. You can tell it’s the living room side because the chimney’s right there where the fireplace would be but it’s way on the left giving us a nice gap. The house is a shambles. Let’s say most of them are in the living room. We might take out a bunch just ramming em’ or any way we’ll do a lot of damage. And the cubs are probably locked away in a living room, right? If history is any judge.”

“That's a big probably,” Cody said darkly. He glanced at Jessie, who was sitting very still in her seat, squinting down the road at the house in the middle of a hilly field backed by green mountains. She looked like she was trying to move something with her mind or hear a frequency that he couldn’t.

Finally, Jessie nodded and said, “Let’s do it. Nathan’s right. Let’s ram the goddamn thing.”

“Are you sure?” Cody squeezed her hand.

She met his gaze and nodded once. “Positive.”

“What about those other elders?” Cody said. “Could they be there? If we kill a bunch of elders, that’s it. There will be a war with their sleuths and we’ll lose.”

“They won’t be there,” Connor said. “They’re still at the lodge.”

“Well, Connor?” Eric said.

If Connor decided against the plan, it just wasn’t going to happen no matter what kind of fuss any of them put up. That was just the way it was with Alphas.

Connor was quiet and Cody looked into the rearview, catching his eye. Connor raised an eyebrow at him and Cody nodded.

“We’ll do it,” Connor said. “Here’s the thing. Everyone’s gotta keep their head. I’m gonna charge right through the wall and stop. The second I stop everyone’s gotta move and jump out and shift, start attacking. As fast as possible. The element of surprise here is all we have.”

Eric looked at Nathan and said, “This is the craziest shit I’ve ever heard of.”

“It’ll work,” Nathan said under his breath. “Trust me.”

Everyone nodded at each other and Connor started up the van.

There was no countdown and nobody was precious about it. The most nerve-wracking part to Cody’s mind was everyone unbuckling their seatbelts so they wouldn’t have to fumble with them when they jumped out of the car. But they were shifters, and strong.

We can do this, Cody thought.

Connor revved up the van for about three seconds and then he hit the gas and the van began charging across the field toward the house.



Jessie saw her life flash before her eyes as the van charged toward the shambling old house. She shut her eyes and Cody held her hand, her heart pounding in her chest. All five of them were quiet, except for Nathan who, despite his confidence, was muttering obscenities under his breath.

When Nathan had spoken the plan aloud, it had sounded like the stupidest and most dangerous idea she’d ever heard of, only because there was no guarantee that the cubs weren’t in the front of the house. Jessie had flashed on an image of herself hanging out with the cubs in the cabin, reading aloud to them with Sophie in her lap as she reached out and grabbed for the book and Molly whispered for her to stop. Molly had mentioned that a couple of times, some of them had lived in an actual house. The set-up really wasn’t much different than the cabin except that they were never allowed to come out of their rooms. They had been squatters, Jessie realized. Eventually, the sleuth had returned to the woods.

They’ll be upstairs, she thought.

She had to sit with the idea for a moment and think about how sure she was and what she was really willing to risk on that sureness.

They’ll be upstairs.

So now they were careening Copyright 2016 - 2024