Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,131

He supposed that was down to the job taking longer than expected.

Still, he had hoped for some kind of vindication. It had been a difficult tracking and lesser trackers would’ve given up long ago. He thought he should be commended and also get some extra money out of it.

Sheila did not sound like she was in the mood for a conversation about a pay increase, however.

“I haven’t found the cubs yet,” Tobin admitted. He was sitting alone in the lounge, far from any potentially curious eavesdroppers. He knocked back another sip of bourbon and sat back in the luxurious circular booth dimly lit by candlelight. “I wanted to call you first about the girl. See what you wanted to do. I could kill her?” He said it hopefully. He bounced a little on his toes. His mouth had been watering to taste that girl’s blood in his bear’s maw.

“Do not kill her,” Sheila hissed. Her voice was usually cold and crisp on the phone but now it was a dangerous whisper.

Definitely not messing with this one.

He was tough and everything. But he had a sense of survival. Being reckless never paid well.

“Black Bear Lake Lodge,” Sheila said. “Fine. We will come soon if you say she is there and not going anywhere. In the meantime, you will find the cubs.”

“Got it,” Tobin said tightly. “About my fee-”

“You’ll get your fee,” Sheila snapped. “If everyone is alive including this girl, we’ll add on a grand.”

With that, she hung up. Tobin sighed heavily and pocketed his phone. A grand was something anyway. He’d been hoping for more. But the initial fee had been negotiated with the assumption that some or all of the cubs were probably dead. He appreciated the bonus for finding them alive anyway.

At least the sleuth had integrity in business. He had to think they were not so kind to the cubs they were searching so hard for.

But that had nothing to do with him.

Tobin messed around on his phone, reading some news and watching some porn as he sipped his drink. It was already late. He figured he would take his time. The sleuth would take a while to arrive at the lodge.

But by seven that night, he was buzzed and impatient.

He went to the parking spot where he’d originally found Jessie’s car. The parking lot for employees was a few blocks from the lodge and Tobin found it easily. He was good at remembering very specific locations like parking spots. The car was still there. From what he’d been able to tell so far, Jessie usually left work at five or five-thirty. But it was already seven. She was staying late.

That was lucky for Tobin. There was nobody around in the tree-lined lot. No one was there to see Tobin inspect the entire exterior of the car for clues and finally break inside using a wire to poke between the window frame and the glass and unlock the car from inside the door.

Inside, Tobin found a goldmine of clues to the cubs. Their scents were all over the car. There were little toys and half-empty bags of chips and granola bars in the glove compartment and blankets in the back seat. If there had been any doubt at all, Tobin was positive that Jessie still had those cubs.

All he had to do now was lie in wait, and follow her.

An hour later, Jessie had left the lodge. She looked pretty upset from what he could see from skulking behind an oak tree and pretending he wasn’t watching through a telescopic lens. He gave her plenty of lead time and finally jumped in his rental car and followed from a distance, but it was enough to hang far back and follow the scent of her peeling out of the parking lot and heading up a curvy road behind the lodge and up the mountain.

From there, catching up to Jessie at the cabin was easy.

Once he’d followed Jessie to a certain point, he parked the car offroad, shifted, and followed Jessie’s scent. The road was too deserted for him to drive after her without her noticing. It was just as easy anywho to follow on foot and the scent was so attached to the car that crept up the steep road, he was able to track it easily from the cover of the woods, running along side it all the way up to the shabby cabin with the lights glowing from little.

Tobin stayed back and watched as Jessie got Copyright 2016 - 2024