Billionaire Bear Shifters A Paranormal Romance Complete Series Boxset - Brittany White Page 0,124

and thought about shifting, tearing her throat open and watching the blood gush all over her little uniform. She was a faceless woman at this point. But he hoped she was pretty. He’d rather rip out a pretty throat than an ugly one.

After some rest and relaxation time, Tobin got dressed and slicked back his hair. He’d been on the road, roughing it in the woods for what had seemed like forever. He considered this his due reward. He luxuriated in the scent of the girl. He followed his nose all over the place and finally poked around long enough to discover the employee locker room.


Tobin followed the scent to a locker at the very end of the line. He inhaled deeply, smiling to himself. He couldn’t kill her until the sleuth gave him the go-ahead and they’d want to come down here first to collect the cubs. He had to remember that. He had a tendency to get impulsive about a kill and go a little crazy. He also wanted to find the cubs before the sleuth arrived, but he knew they’d want this news first.

The locker room was deserted for the moment. Tobin leaned forward and inhaled again, catching a concentrated dose of the female shifter’s smell. She would taste so good in his mouth...

He sighed, telling himself to calm down, and took out his phone to dial the Alpha of the sleuth whose children had been kidnapped by this bear who had no idea there was a price on her head.

“Hello, Joseph,” Tobin said when the other end picked up. “I’ve found them.”



We were supposed to eat dinner.

The post-coital haze had made Cody sleepy.

He didn’t like to think of himself as a cuddler per se. It had never seemed like a manly thing to be. But bears were cuddly by nature. If he was honest with himself, all he wanted was to lie in bed with Jessie. Except he wanted her to be naked, if that was alright with her. And he never wanted to stop touching her. He wanted to chat and drink wine and also she had not eaten the dinner he’d made for her and that seemed like a terrible oversight...

“I didn’t mean for this to happen.” Jessie sat up sighing, pushing her thick, dark hair back. She looked at Cody with wide brown eyes. He tensed up, waiting for her to say she regretted the whole thing. But she was smiling and only looking a little bashful. Cody sat, pulling his briefs and his pants. Jessie slumped over to lean on his shoulder and kissed him there. “But I’m glad it did. I hope you are.”


“Of course, I am,” he said. He couldn’t help but chuckle. He cast her a sidelong glance, smirking. “Hey, all I wanted was a date. But then you went begging-”

He made sure to say it as teasingly as he could. He didn’t want her to think he was serious. The last thing he wanted to do was actually mock her. Sure enough, Jessie’s pretty brown eyes went comically wide and she punched his shoulder.

“Oh ho!” She said. “You wanted me to beg!”

“You wanted to beg,” he said wryly.

“Maybe.” Her lips twitched. She sat up, pulling her dress back on and kissed him softly. “Yeah, I like it. I don’t know why. But I got exactly what I asked for and more.” She pressed a hand to his bare chest, raking her nails through his chest hair. “You have a very nice um... tongue.”

“Oh yeah?” This was the stuff alright, Cody thought. Husky pillow talk and the scent of their lovemaking lingering between them. He just wished they were in bed and not awkwardly sitting on his couch. ”What else is nice about me?”

“Stop,” Jessie said. She ducked her head, blushing, and he kissed the tip of her nose. She whispered, “It’s all very nice. Better than nice.”

“Better than nice,” he said, laughing breathily. “I’ll take it. C’mon, you’ve got to be hungry now.”

“God, I am,” she muttered. She got to her feet and Cody stood with her to help her zip her uniform back up. It felt like a sweet domestic moment; the way she lifted her hair away as he pulled up the zipper. He leaned forward, inhaling her scent at the base of her neck and patted her shoulder when she was done. “Thank you.” She padded over to her purse where she’d dropped it next to a duffle bag she’d been carrying on her way Copyright 2016 - 2024