The Billionaire’s Second Chance by Kimberly Krey Page 0,21

being a mom because it wouldn’t affect him one way or another. He wasn’t interested in her that way, she was sure of it now.

Yes, he’d said she was his biggest regret. Probably just because he was a genuinely kind guy who didn’t want to hurt anyone.

She lowered the pot back to the table, opting out of the third cup altogether.

Viv could hear her mom muttering one of her favorite expressions: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, mia cara.

So what if that’s all this was—an adventure on a private island with fine food and luxury accommodations? She may as well enjoy it.

A new wave of determination swept in. If Viv left this job with everything she had when she came into it, she’d be blessed.

She hadn’t needed Duke before this, and she didn’t need him after it, either. Viv nodded as the truth of that sank in. If friendship was all he wanted, and she was suddenly certain it was, then friendship was what he’d get. No problem. She was just glad she’d figured it out before she embarrassed herself.

Chapter 9

Viv eyed the variety of bark-covered trunks, tall branches, and vibrant green leaves blocking the sky. Lower, where she followed Duke, branches loomed closer overhead, dimming any runaway sunlight while the sounds of cawing birds and howling monkeys echoed in the space.

“This is one of my favorite spots on the island,” Duke said over his shoulder. He’d stopped walking, encouraging Viv to close the three or four foot gap between them.

“It is?” Hints of his heavenly cologne made her wish she’d have worn the tea rose after all. What would it have hurt?

“Yes, I love the rain forest,” Duke said. “They have a ton of macaws here. Howler monkeys too—that’s what we’re hearing right now, and…” He lifted a brow and grinned. “Sloths.”

There went that spot of heat around her heart again. “You like sloths?” she asked.

Duke threw her a look. “Who doesn’t? Anyway,” he continued, leading the way once more. “I was glad they wanted to shoot here. Though I’m not exactly sure what they have in mind.”

Viv lifted a brow. “You’re not? They didn’t tell you in advance?”

“No, but I didn’t ask.”

“Huh, I’m impressed,” she told him. “Most people want to know exactly what the photographer’s going to do, what they’ll be wearing, and who’ll be doing their hair and makeup.”

Duke gasped. “Wait, does that mean you’re not the one doing my hair and makeup?”

She rolled her eyes. “Ha ha. No, but that does remind me of something. We haven’t talked about your hair,” she said. “Heaven knows you were quite famous for your man bun. I figured you’d have grown it back by now.”

Duke shrugged. “I was going to, but the in-between stage is…tricky. I don’t know. Part of me thinks I don’t have the mojo to pull it off right now.”

Viv’s face scrunched up. “You’ll have to elaborate on that later,” she called ahead.

Duke sported a pair of gray shorts, a white tee, and a pale blue button up shirt. If she hadn’t known better, she’d say he was already dressed in the designer’s latest. Rico Shimwah had struck gold by getting a guy like Duke to wear his designs. The man could make fig leaves look good.

The muted lighting began to shift as they neared a clearing. “Here we are,” Duke said, stepping aside so that Viv could go ahead of him. The clearing was larger than she imagined. And brighter too.

Zee, one of Slipper’s photographers, stood with his equipment at the center. He gave her a wave. “Hey, Viv.”

“Morning,” she said with a nod. Nearby, a makeshift changing station offered a dividing wall, a rack of clothing, and a seat with a large mirror propped before it. Rico was there, seeming to scrutinize one of the shirts on the rack while the makeup artist waited with her supply.

Not too far off, a line of fold up chairs faced the action. Duke waved Viv toward the chairs. “Think that’s where you’ll sit,” he said with a nod.

“Thanks.” Viv made her way to the chairs as Duke headed to his spot in front of the mirror.

“Duke,” Rico cheered. “You made it, you made it.” He rubbed his hands together before clapping them three times. “You are going to make my line look so good. In this first shoot, we’re going for that alligator hunter look.”

“You mean Crocodile Hunter,” Zee mumbled while fiddling with the lens.

Rico shot him a look. “Yes.”

Duke, who was sitting in Copyright 2016 - 2024