Billion Dollar Chance - Linnea May Page 0,6

right decision for the both of us. At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself over the past seven years.

But today, I’m running after Ella Whitt. Not to collect her like a long lost treasure or to revive whatever we had back then. Hell no! That’s not what I’m after.

“But what, then?” I ask myself, surprised to hear my own voice as it carries my thoughts out into the open.

Instead of searching for an answer, I redirect all my attention to finding Ella’s red locks as I reach the wide foyer on the ground floor. I turn to the elevators, expecting to see her there, but she’s not among the group of people who are stepping into the foyer right now. I turn around, frantically scanning the area toward the side exit that leads to the guest parking lot, but Ella’s prominent mane remains hidden from my view. Where the hell is she? Did she already leave the building?

I don’t waste time pondering over this assumption and get a move on instead. If I find her outside, fate might have to say something about our encounter today—and the message is just as clear if I don’t find her.

I burst through the large wooden doors with an urgency that is beyond reasonable and come to a halt on top of the steps leading down to the parking lot, where I scan the wide open space before me until my eyes latch onto the familiar sight of Ella’s blazing red hair.

She’s running across the lot, red strands falling loose from the sloppy up-do she sported for the meeting, and keys dangling from her right hand.

I start running, while releasing a plea that has never left my lips before.

“Ella, wait!”

Chapter 5



I know it’s him right away, but my initial response to his pervasive voice is denial. It can’t be him. Gabriel Boulder is too proud a man to run after another person—let alone me, the girl he hates more than anyone else in the world.

He would never.

But he is. Just as I’m about to unchain my bike from the rack in the parking lot, he calls out for me again, louder this time.


His heavy steps are quickly approaching behind my back.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I suck in a sharp breath of air before I dare to turn to him, my face devoid of emotion—at least that’s the goal.

Gabe is about ten feet away when our eyes meet for the very first time today, his suit jacket unbuttoned and his loosened tie dancing wildly around his neck as he runs toward me. Despite sprinting all the way down here, he doesn’t look the least bit exhausted; his dumb, short hair still perfectly in place and his dark green eyes as compelling as ever. Other than his hair, he really hasn’t changed much. His shoulders may have gotten a bit broader and the lines on his face a tad more defined, both of which only add to his appeal.

I hate that.

We freeze for a moment, our eyes locked, both waiting, searching for something to say. When nothing comes out of his mouth, I decide to break the tense silence with a sharp one-word question.


I shoot the word at him like a bullet, and he backs away as if I’d tried to slap him.

“What?” he repeats, indignation lacing his expression. “That’s all you have to say?”

I’m too dumbfounded to reply, chewing on my lips instead.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” he goes on, waving toward the building behind his back. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew I’d be at that meeting? You knew we’d run into each other—and you didn’t even tell me that you’re in town!”

I nod in spite of myself, giving him just the endorsement he needed.

“I knew it!” he exclaims, a little too sure of himself as he points an accusing finger at me. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

“Warn you?” I repeat. “Of what?”

“Or tell me! Whatever,” he corrects himself, panting with rage. “Stop being a smart ass, Ella! And stop trying to deflect from your insane behavior! You just let me walk in there like an idiot! A normal person would have said something...”

He pauses, a deep crease emerging between his brows while he evades my gaze. I watch as his eyes trail down to his impeccably shiny dress shoes, his head softly shaking and a stern look on his face.

“You know what,” he says. “Forget it, I don’t need this fucking headache. Just leave and we’ll forget this ever happened!”

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