Billion Dollar Chance - Linnea May Page 0,24

not a date.


The auction starts, bringing our preposterous conversation to an abrupt end. Ella casts me a short look from the side, one eyebrow raised and a condescending smile on her face while the attention of the room is pulled to the stage. I reciprocate with a confident wink and she rolls her eyes, while slowly turning away to face the decked out lady on stage, mechanically reciting introductory words to announce the start of the auction.

Of course, the auction itself is as boring as expected. Boats, summer retreats, insanely valuable jewelry items, a small private jet and even a horse get auctioned off one by one as millions of dollars are thrown into the room with every passing minute. I can see Ella shifting in her seat when my—or rather Logan’s—yacht is called, her eyes glued to the stage with heightened interest, while the Winterbottoms join the bidding, just as they said they would. I don’t really care who will turn out to be the lucky winner, nor for how much the yacht changes hands, but still reciprocate Mrs. Winterbottom’s apologetic smile with a shrug when the boat is obtained by someone else.

Meanwhile, Ella demonstratively checks her phone when I try to catch her gaze. She couldn’t be less interested in this charade, and has no interest in making it appear otherwise.

However, her eyes widen with interest when the next item on the list is called—an all-expenses paid trip to the Galapagos Islands, including a private jet and private yacht. She notices that I’m looking at her and her facial impression instantly changes into a frown.

“More inconsiderate tourists,” she utters. “Just what that unique ecosystem needs.”

“Who says the journey would be inconsiderate to the island’s natural habitat? It includes a tour guide working for the conservatory,” I point out. “And I’m sure they could use the money.”

Ella responds with her usual go-to move and rolls her eyes at me. “Those islands need to be left alone as much as possible.”

The bidding starts and it’s obvious from the get-go that the audience’s interest is not half as big as it was for most of the other items before.

“I’m sure it’s beautiful, though,” I argue, catching Ella’s gaze from the side. “The unique landscapes, flora and fauna. And to know that you’re following Darwin’s footsteps, seeing what he saw with your own eyes.”

She locks eyes with me for a moment, her face tense, as if she was waiting for me to retract everything I just said with a bad joke. When I make no move to do so, she finds her voice again.

“Of course, it must be magnificent. It’s a world heritage site,” she murmurs, biting her lower lip. “But indulging in a trip to go there… that’s anything but sustainable.”

A hint of sorrow seems to lace her words, as well as yearning. I know Ella would love to visit the Galapagos Islands, but that wish is overshadowed by her own principles and her ideal to save the planet. She would never even consider it, even if she was able to afford such a trip.

There’s no conscious decision to raise my arm, but before I know it, my right hand is up in the air, holding the number plate that was assigned to me at the beginning of the auction.

I don’t know why I’m doing it. Maybe it’s because I’m trying to impress her, maybe it’s because I enjoy teasing her, maybe I’m doing it because I know it will get her mad, and I just love that treacherous blush on her pretty cheeks. Either way, it’s happening. I’m going to bid for this trip and I’m going to win it, because I can.

Maybe that’s all there is to it. I’m doing it because I can.

But I know that’s not true the moment I see the look on Ella’s face when she realizes what’s happening. Her eyes widen in surprise, her crimson lips forming a perfect little O as her gaze flits back and forth between me and the other bidders, my insistent gesture making it perfectly clear that I’m in this to win.

She doesn’t know why I’m doing it either—but it’s crystal clear that she likes what she’s seeing. And her attentive stare pushes me to up the ante as the price for the trip goes up progressively, ignited by a fierce competition between me and two other gentlemen. The price is already approaching six figure territory, so my next and final bid shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone Copyright 2016 - 2024