Billion Dollar Beast - Olivia Hayle Page 0,38

of her mischievous flirtation. She’s always dazzled in social situations—no wonder she’s invited to more parties and events than she can ever attend.

“What about André?” I force my voice to grow steely. “Have you lost interest in the boy?”

Her smile widens. “I broke up with him months ago.”

I turn my gaze toward the windows. So she’d toyed with my expectations instead, without admitting that he was nothing to her. Drawing out my jealousy, even as I insulted her and pushed her away. Clever.

“Which leads me to another one of my questions. Why are the only women I’ve ever seen you spend time with the ones who only care for your money?” She steps closer, and the teasing in her voice gives way to earnestness. “It seems hollow.”

“Like sipping champagne with fellow heiresses night after night?”

The barb hit home. Blair’s eyes widen, and then narrow in anger. Her hatred of being portrayed as spoiled or indulgent is something I know well. An easy wound to press.

But she doesn’t fight.

“Yes,” she says instead. “Exactly as hollow as that.”

“Perhaps I prefer it that way.” I take a sip of my brandy to gather my wits. The women I’d been with had never wanted anything but my notoriety, my edge, my money. They’d enjoyed it when I was rough in bed, wanting the man they thought Nicholas Park was. No one asked questions like these. What about your family? Bah.

The point of this had been to make Blair back off. To see that this was a bad idea.

I hadn’t succeeded at all.

Blair steps closer. A lock of her hair falls forward and she pushes it back impatiently. “I don’t believe that for a second.”

“Believe what you wish.” I make my words deliberately cold, looking away from her as if she’s not inches from my face. For years, my unfeeling facade had worked with her. All attempts of reaching out had been rebuffed like this. I wait in pained silence for her irritation, for her turning away.

“Damn it, Nick, you’re making this far harder than it needs to be.” Her eyes blaze with anger, her hands clasped into fists at her side. But as I watch, the anger flares and morphs into fierce determination.

And then she attacks me.

There is no other way to describe it. She forces her way into the circle of my arms, a living flame come to life, her lips warm against mine. There’s no finesse to it. Perhaps that’s why it overwhelms me so. My body had already been on the edge from her nearness, and with her warm scent crashing into me, my dams break.

I catch her around the waist. It’s nothing at all to pull her against my body, her soft breasts giving way against my chest. The kisses she gives me are fierce with determination. The message is clear.

As if you like it hollow!

My hands gripping her waist, I take control of the kiss. I’ll give you more than you bargained for, it says. Her mouth opens against my tongue and her body melts into mine as I push her against the desk.

Just like last time, and the time before that, kissing is a far better language for us. Words are unnecessary when her arms twine around my neck. This says everything and more.

And hollow it is not.

Not for all in the world can I imagine letting her go. How could I, when she’s soft and warm and so willing and I’m drowning in this, in her, in the sensations—

“Mr. Park? You have a phone call.”

“Damn it,” I curse, reaching past her to press down on the answering intercom on my desk. “Take a message,” I bark.

Blair giggles, her hands coming down to rest on my chest. “What awful timing he has,” she says, reaching up to kiss my neck.

I push her back. “Not here.”

She rocks back on her heels with a pout, but nods. “All right. Where, then?”

“So eager, Blair?”

She reaches out and runs a finger over the edge of my jaw. The simple touch sends a shiver through me, and she sees that. “I think we both are,” she murmurs. “This has been a long time coming.”

Eight years, to be exact.

“I’ll figure something out,” I say. “Now, will you be able to behave yourself in the future?”

“Behave myself?”

“No attacks,” I say, raising an eyebrow. “Consider your brother’s house neutral territory.”

“It’s Switzerland,” she agrees warmly. Her eyes dance as she looks up at me. Finally, I think—I’m finally seeing the Blair that she shows to other people. Copyright 2016 - 2024