Billion Dollar Beast - Olivia Hayle Page 0,13

neither.” Nick punctuates his words by attacking his food a bit too strongly. Cole notices—damn my brother for never once being perceptive except right now. I don’t want to be cross-examined later about our weird dynamic.

“So,” I say brightly, reaching for the giant bowl of rice, “what’s with all the food? Did you order enough to feed an army?”

Cole nods. “The fifth infantry division will be here in half an hour.”

“Not exactly,” Skye says. “We couldn’t decide between dishes. And maybe…” She trails off, her eyes flitting to my brother’s, and the instant communication that passes between them makes me feel like an imposter.

A quick glance at Nick tells me he feels the same way. They’re wrapped up in a two-ness and domestic bliss that we’re nothing but spectators to. For my sake, it makes me envious.

I’m sure Nick thinks it’s ridiculous.

“Well, we didn’t just ask you both here tonight to torture you,” Cole says. “We do have something to tell you.”

My throat closes. His words have sent my mind racing ahead, drawing conclusions, guessing. Cole’s smile widens when he sees the hint of emotion in my eyes.

“You’ve bought another chalet?” Nick asks, and I hear his voice through some sort of fog. No, you stupid man.

Cole laughs. “Not quite. Almost, though.”

“You’re our closest friends and family,” Skye adds, “and we feel like we have to share it with you. But no telling anyone else, okay? Not even your mother, Blair. Cole will tell her this weekend.”

I’m nodding like a crazy person. “Of course, of course, I won’t say a word.”

“What is it?” Nick asks, a surprising trace of concern in his voice. “Is something wrong?”

“I’m pregnant,” Skye says. “It’s early still, but… we should be parents seven months from now.”

My gaze becomes hazy with tears. I’m so happy for them, and I tell them that, going around the table to wrap my arms around them both. I don’t know who to hug first and we end up in a sort of half-embrace, Skye laughing and me crying.

“I’m so happy for you,” I say, perhaps once, perhaps twice. Perhaps a hundred times.

Cole finally pries me off his poor wife, now with tears of her own in her eyes, and hugs me tightly. I can’t remember the last time we’ve hugged like this. “You’re going to be a dad,” I whisper in his ear.

“I know,” he whispers back. “Think I’ll do a good job?”

“Oh, the best.” The thought of him as a father brings a fresh bout of tears to my eyes. “And I’ll be an aunt.”

Through my film of tears, I catch sight of Nick. He’s standing to the side and watching the scene with an indecipherable emotion on his face. He gives Skye a quick hug. “Congratulations,” he says.

I blink away my tears to see him more clearly. Is he moved, too?

Cole releases me with a grin. “You know what this means, right?”


“We’re going to ask you two to be godparents, when the day comes. You have seven months to prepare.”

And then I’m hugging them again and my tears won’t stop and I promise to be the best aunt and godparent ever. Skye laughs when she hugs me and asks me to come with her to buy baby clothes. As if you could keep me away, I say.

Nick looks… well, the only word I can use is shell-shocked. Cole pulls him in for a half-hug, their shoulders touching, and speaks. I can’t hear it—but Nick gives a sharp nod. He’s my brother’s best friend. Of course he’d be asked. Even my anger at him melts away in the face of that.

Nick’s shocked expression stays with me for the rest of the evening, even when we’re sent off in the same car. Cole’s driver greets us from the front seat as he pulls out from the driveway.

Nick is a quiet, dark shadow beside me.

“Wow,” I murmur, more to myself than to him. “Wow.”

He seems to agree. “Another project we’re stuck on together.”

There’s no malice in his voice, and I laugh, despite myself. I’m still hurt by his belief that I wanted to sabotage his company, but that feels small and petty in comparison.

“I have a feeling I’ll enjoy this one more,” I say.

“Somehow, I was thinking quite the opposite,” he says quietly.

“I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or be concerned for the child.”

Nick doesn’t respond. He looks down at the heavy watch on his wrist instead before leaning forward toward Charles. “Drop Miss Porter off Copyright 2016 - 2024